Treeton Baptist Church

Serving God, Serving The Community


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His Humble Birth
Chris in 18 mins may shatter myths of traditional Nativity story - but his message enhances lead up to Christmas. Let Jesus into the centre of your home & life - and see all things are possible.

Chris Nuttall
13-Dec-2015 10:45
(Luke 2 vs 1 to 7)

A Supernatural Conception & some!
Powerful 30 min message at communion Advent service welcoming new member Darren. Hear Richard on supernatural conception, salvation, & God with us. Then Hazel's beautiful Nativity song.

Richard Duckworth
6-Dec-2015 10:45
(Matthew 1 vs 18 to 25)

Baptism of Darren Fletcher - 1st Week of Advent
1hr plus of joy at Darren's Baptism. Thanks Darren - for being you; your testimony, candle lighting skill (great for Firemen!) & for lively songs - sorry about rendition but you had all our love!

Chris Nuttall
(Philippians 3 vs 7 to 10)

Gordon gives a great snapshot of how amazing the Lord's Giving is - expanding on Jesus' teachings to us on how & why we should cheerfully give - related to TBC 2015 OCC Shoebox campaign.

Gordon Hawley
22-Nov-2015 10:45
(John 3 vs 16-17 Luke 6 vs 38)

Blessing the church
Once again Debbie gives a heartfelt message (23 mins) - open our minds and our hearts and just say YES to the Holy Spirit and the Church will be blessed.

Debbie Pearson
18-Oct-2015 10:45
(2 Corinthians 13 vs 14)

Harvest Sunday
Chris, hot from Coronary Care , blessed us with a humorous & interesting 25 min message - tailored for Harvest - complimenting the amazing testimonies we'd heard from 'Lighthouse' people.

Chris Nuttall
11-Oct-2015 11:15
(Deuteronomy 8 vs 7-18 )

Lighthouse Project Description
Darren, Alistair, Chaz, Julie J, Julie F, and Elaine explain the wonderful work of the 'Lighthouse' in Rotherham - providing safe homes for change & rescue for the broken, hurting & homeless.

Lighthouse Team
11-Oct-2015 10:45

How do we worship God?
Chris, despite suffering from 'man-flu', gives us much to think about in this interesting 25 minute message - questioning how we worship God and recognise Him at work in our lives.

Chris Nuttall
27-Sep-2015 10:45
(Amos 5)

Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
Tony & Angela shared an amazing message about CAP's journey and God's faithfulness. Founded in 1996 in Bradford, CAP is now 'international' helping 30,000 a year - many finding Jesus.

Tony and Angela Norris (CAP volunteers)
20-Sep-2015 10:45
(Matthew 25 vs 31-46)

Fear God and Serve Him
Excellent 30 minute sermon from David. Wonderful summary of God's Covenant and build-up for us to want to say 'as for me and my house - we will serve the Lord'!

David Harvey
13-Sep-2015 10:45
(Joshua 24 vs 13 to 16)

Trusting and Obeying
20 mins. Messengers and too easy a cure to trust and obey? Naaman's good news. Do we listen to messengers? Do we love, trust and obey Jesus - telling out the Good News? Go in Peace.

Gordon Hawley
9-Aug-2015 10:45
2 Kings 5 vs 1 to 19

God Loves a Cheerful Giver
Wonderful 37 min story - Paul Weston's journey of faith that led to setting up 'Touch the Heart of Africa' charity will encourage you to give away the very clothes off your back.

Paul Weston
2-Aug-2015 10:45
2 Corinthians 9 vs 7

Walking the line for God
A brave Elijah sets up the alter challenge between silent Baal and our God who answers. Do we walk the line for God or do we waver towards false gods of money, power, celebrity etc?

Chris Nuttall
19-Jul-2015 10:45
1 Kings 18 vs 17 to 39

With God All Things Are Possible
In 22 mins Chris includes using both rowing boat oars named Works and Faith - obeying all God's commands - being unafraid of going beyond limitations because - with God all things are possible!

Chris Nuttall
12-Jul-2015 10:45
1 Kings 17

Going to where god calls
Wonderful teaching in 19 minutes from Debbie. Love the equation God's capability plus our availability = endless possibilities! Do we really make ourselves available with the Holy Spirit?

Debbie Pearson
5-Jul-2015 10:45
1 Kings 17 vs 1 to 16

Preparing by Loving
19 mins from Gordon and a Portuguese flock - vital conclusion to series - key to prepare us for judgement day - through acts of kindness in God's love and power - don't be a goat - listen in!

Gordon Hawley
28-Jun-2015 10:45
Matthew 25 verses 31 to 46

Preparing by Producing
A weighty 'Second' sermon in series on Preparing for the second coming of Jesus. Chris Nuttall uses some traditional, but mainly different, takes on this well known parable of the talents.

Chris Nuttall
21-Jun-2015 10:45
Matthew 25 vs 14 to 30

Preparing by Waiting
In a 15 minute message Carol brings this difficult parable to life with excellent explanations and examples we can all relate to. First in series of 3 from Matthew 25

Carol Robinson
14-Jun-2015 10:45
Matthew 25 vs 1 to 13

Living in the Way of Holiness
23 min message with usual humour from our Pastor - leading us to our best role model JESUS - the why and how to be Holy. Culminates in a beautiful Alter Call of great blessing.

Chris Nuttall
12-Apr-2015 10:45
1 Peter 1 vs 13 to 20

Easter Sunday Message
Great humour - good news bad news scenarios from Mariapolis spiritual holidays, with KGB involvement, to the Crucifixion and Resurrection with the Easter Good News outshining all bad news. 17 mins.

Chris Nuttall
5-Apr-2015 10:45
Luke 24

Palm Sunday
Chris gets us to live the scene of Palm Sunday - we feel the tears of Jesus for his people who just didn't understand - the message swings right onto the congregation. 22 minute sermon

Chris Nuttall
29-Mar-2015 10:45
Luke 19 vs 29 to 31

Reflects on setbacks of Ruth and Naomi & our own lives - this 20 minute message reminds us of why we should be patient - because we can trust in the Lord that the 'best is yet to come'!

Gordon Hawley
1-Mar-2015 10:45
Book of Ruth

Bad people go to Heaven
Great sermon as usual by David Harvey - bad people go to Heaven - good people go to Hell. The time (29 mins) just flashed by.

David Harvey
1-Feb-2015 10:45
Matthew 9 vs 9-13