Living with Mystery
Welcome to the podcast.
I shall be developing many themes here. The aim is to provide a short 10 minute talk to help us understand the bible's many messages and mysteries. The God who inspired His Word is shrouded in wonderful mystery; getting to grips with this will enrich our faith. I hope this podcast will also stimulate us to be more committed to Jesus.
You can subscribe to it through iTunes by clicking on 'subscribe' below or through using this RSS feed on the link below in your preferred podcast platform.
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YouTube Music here.
187 Courage
Courage has always been an important part of a mature character. Jesus was marked by courage and we should be too! You can find a text copy of all podcasts on the website.
Linked File: 187 courage.pdf
9-Mar-2025 14:30
186 Narcissism
We may think that the bible does not mention many of our modern problems, but you will be surprised as you dig into the text. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 186 narcissism.pdf
2-Mar-2025 19:00
185 Seared
Jesus said that our light should shine before people but we must ensure that it is a true light and not one of pretence. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 185 seared.pdf
23-Feb-2025 16:00
184 Princes
Job suffered under the permissive will of God. We can learn much from that, especially from the heavenly view of events. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 184 princes.pdf
16-Feb-2025 16:30
183 Permitted
Living with mystery requires us to accept suffering without always having a reason for it. But in suffering, the bible encourages us to strengthen our faith in Jesus. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 183 permitted.pdf
7-Feb-2025 16:00
182 Motivations
Unlike us, God sees the motivations of our hearts in complete clarity. As our motivations become purer, we come to hear his word more clearly. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 182 motivations.pdf
2-Feb-2025 14:45
181 Mercy
Knowing how to pray effectively is something we all desire to understand. Much depends on how we treat others: God shows us mercy in our faults and we should imitate Him. A text copy is on the website
Linked File: 181 mercy.pdf
26-Jan-2025 10:30
180 Orthopraxy
In The Pilgrims Progress, Christian is tempted to depart from the narrow road of his pilgrimage. These are real life challenges and we look at them in the podcast. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 180 orthopraxy.pdf
19-Jan-2025 13:30
179 Beauty
There is something about Jesus which is more than Him being a teacher, or prophet or even a king. He has a unique attractiveness which grips the hearts of men and women. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 179 beauty.pdf
12-Jan-2025 14:30
178 Destiny
Faith tells us that Jesus is in control of our lives. Events will no doubt test our faith many times. But maturity is trusting in Gods grace towards us and His grace working in us (copy on the website
Linked File: 178 Destiny
5-Jan-2025 14:00
177 Euphemisms
Christians should be noted for their honesty and truthful speaking. It means we should avoid euphemisms designed to hide true intentions. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 177 euphemisms.pdf
29-Dec-2024 11:00
176 Trials
Whether trials or temptations as we understand them, God uses our situations and weaknesses to train our faith through difficulties. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 176 trials.pdf
22-Dec-2024 10:30
175 Weakness
Weaknesses are a mark of being human. Rather than despise them we should rather learn how God uses them to bring grace into our lives. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 175 weakness.pdf
15-Dec-2024 14:00
174 Society
The teaching of the bible have helped produce so much good in the world. This podcast looks at this subject and deals with conflicting views. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 174 society.pdf
8-Dec-2024 15:00
173 Veil
The bible is a vital truth for us to believe, but it can be a stumbling-block for some if it is not used correctly. This podcast explores how we can best know scripture. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 173 veil.pdf
1-Dec-2024 11:30
172 Propitiation
The bible reveals the reality of God's wrath against sin. It also reveals that Jesus is the sacrifice which assuages this wrath so that we can have peace with God. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 172 propitiation.pdf
24-Nov-2024 12:15
171 Image
A favourite old song offers inspiration for us all if we look into the deeper theology of its overall message. As usual, a text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 171 image.pdf
17-Nov-2024 12:00
170 Trade-offs
Living in this world is not perfect, but God has given us faith to negotiate the challenges so that we can joyfully live with mystery. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 170 trade-offs.pdf
10-Nov-2024 14:00
169 Self-destruct
God always sees human affairs. At times He seems remote but in all things He desires repentance and our return to walking in the way of faith which overcomes fear. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 169 self-destruct.pdf
3-Nov-2024 16:00
168 Virtue
The meaning of virtue in our day is very different from that of the bible. We need to see what virtue really means and avoid the world's enticing substitute. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 168 virtue.pdf
27-Oct-2024 11:30
167 Lowly
The Holy Spirit is powerful but easily ignored and disrespected. Jesus warned us about this and we should understand the privilege of the giving of the Spirit. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 167 lowly.pdf
20-Oct-2024 17:40
166 Charismatic
The Holy Spirit energises many gifts in the church; some though are spontaneous rather than planned. We look at how God uses these to bring healing and salvation. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 166 charismatic.pdf
13-Oct-2024 14:00
165 Openness
The gift of tongues which was given by the Spirit at Pentecost is very precious. Today we explore how their openness enabled the first believers to receive that gift. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 165 openness.pdf
6-Oct-2024 16:00
164 Manifestation
The bible is a spiritual book, but it is not always spiritually understood. This is also true of the way the Spirit works. This podcast begins a series on this topic. A text file is on the website.
Linked File: 164 manifestation.pdf
29-Sep-2024 16:30
163 Captured
Jesus brought a revolutionary teaching on how we can know God. In Him alone is the true way found to eternal life. A text copy is available at with other bible materials.
Linked File: 163 captured.pdf
23-Sep-2024 12:00
162 Afraid
The way we deal with other people tells us much about ourselves. The bible has much wisdom to help us maintain healthy relationships and a healthy soul. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 162 afraid.pdf
15-Sep-2024 17:00
161 Curiosity
Although we have managed to spoil most of the gifts which God has given to us, they can always be rehabilitated. This podcast deals with one such gift. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 161 curiosity.pdf
8-Sep-2024 14:30
160 Surprise
Does Jesus promise to answer all our prayers or are there conditions attached to asking? This podcast looks at prayer and how we can know what to pray for. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 160 surprise.pdf
1-Sep-2024 13:15
159 Confession
We shall all discover that we are part of spiritual warfare at some time. Knowing how to use one important weapon will help us to become overcomers. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 159 confession.pdf
25-Aug-2024 12:00
158 Season
Whether God seems to be blessing abundantly or whether the work is less encouraging, we are required to remain faithful. This podcast helps us understand this. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 158 season.pdf
18-Aug-2024 16:30
157 Deeper
Jesus has opened the way into God's presence by His blood. We are called to explore that presence and discover the mysteries it reveals. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 157 deeper.pdf
11-Aug-2024 15:45
156 Nature
The bible reveals God's true nature. His character is multifaceted and it is what determines His ethics. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 156 nature.pdf
4-Aug-2024 16:30
155 Process
God works in His people at His own speed. We should come understand this as we read the bible and see that process at work. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 155 process.pdf
28-Jul-2024 17:00
154 Lampstand
In many parts of the world, churches are closing. This podcast looks at why it is happening and how we should respond. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 154 lampstand.pdf
21-Jul-2024 17:45
153 Listening
It is possible to hear without listening; this is fatal when it involves God's Word to us. Learning to listen is a spiritual imperative. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 153 listening.pdf
14-Jul-2024 15:00
152 Novelty
The exercises necessary to deepen our prayer lives have many opponents. Today's podcast highlights one of these and encourages us to go deeper with Jesus. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 152 novelty.pdf
7-Jul-2024 17:00
151 Mindset
Jesus came to remake the image of God in us. He restores our spiritual humanity and changes our mindset to be like His. A text copy of the podcast can be found on the website
Linked File: 151 mindset.pdf
30-Jun-2024 18:00
150 Sanctification
The process of holiness is called sanctification. This is challenging to us but God has provided us with His love through the Spirit to pursue that goal. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 150 sanctification.pdf
23-Jun-2024 17:00
149 Singularity
At the end of the age when redemption is complete, our present experiences in this world will be changed unrecognisably. The bible gives us glimpses into a new future. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 149 singularity.pdf
16-Jun-2024 15:00
148 Binary
God has created a world in which humans should flourish. Understanding this will help us refute those who undermine God's order. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 148 binary.pdf
9-Jun-2024 18:30
147 Sieve
The cross of Jesus straddles eternity with its message of hope and salvation. Those who know its power will embrace its call to lose life for Jesus. A text copy is on the website
Linked File: 147 sieve.pdf
2-Jun-2024 15:15
146 Priorities
Jesus was a man of prayer. Throughout history we have examples of those who learned to pray effectively. May we learn to do so too! A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 146 priorities.pdf
26-May-2024 16:30
145 Eternity
Jesus taught us how to gain eternal life. This process needs powerful divine intervention since our natures easily resist! This podcast seeks to inspire us. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 145 eternity.pdf
19-May-2024 15:45
144 Risk
Jesus had many who wished to be His disciples but He was honest with them and risked putting them off with His firm demands. Jesus must take priority! A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 144 risk.pdf
12-May-2024 18:00
143 Rights
This podcast looks at rights and responsibilities and how we should approach each. Our primary example is Jesus and Paul gives us much wisdom. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 143 rights.pdf
5-May-2024 19:30
142 Theophany
God is not dead but alive and revealed Himself in Jesus. God graciously showed not only His nature in creation but His reconciling love in Jesus. Text copies of podcasts can be found on the website.
Linked File: 142 theophany.pdf
28-Apr-2024 16:00
141 Unbelief
Unbelief is not simply disbelief, it is more complex. Unbelief is a mortal enemy which the bible shows and indicates how it can be overcome. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 141 unbelief.pdf
21-Apr-2024 15:30
140 Influence
Every Christian is an influencer for good or bad. We are called to use our influence well and so store up treasure in heaven. This podcast explores this truth. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 140 influence.pdf
14-Apr-2024 14:15
139 Mortal
Our bodies are mortal and we shall eventually die. In the meantime, the Spirit gives resources of life, not to make us immortal yet, but to enable us to love and serve. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 139 mortal.pdf
7-Apr-2024 14:00
138 Foreknew
God foreknew each of us from before the world began and He has a great plan. This podcast encourages us to see how God performs His purpose in this present world. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 138 foreknew.pdf
31-Mar-2024 17:00
137 Abba
When we believe in Jesus, God wants to do wonderful things in our hearts through the indwelling Holy Spirit. This podcast helps us listen and learn from the Spirit within. A text copy is available.
Linked File: 137 abba.pdf
24-Mar-2024 15:00
136 Entropy
In a changing world which sometimes brings sadness, the promises of Jesus remain. The disappointments of this life reveal to us a divine message. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 136 entropy.pdf
17-Mar-2024 13:30
135 Joy
Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and an enriching human quality. This podcast looks at how the Spirit teaches us to have joy in God's purposes. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 135 joy.pdf
10-Mar-2024 12:30
134 Humanness
All people were made in the image of God and this image should be reflected in what we are. Consequently, the Spirit restores God's image and God's intent in us. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 134 humanness.pdf
3-Mar-2024 14:45
133 Self
Being crucified with Christ touches every part of what makes us who we are. This is transforming and fulfils the promise of discovering the life Jesus promised. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 133 self.pdf
25-Feb-2024 11:00
132 Dead
The death Jesus died opens the door to a life of holiness. This podcast looks at how Paul explains the mystery and the practicality of living Christian! A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 132 dead.pdf
18-Feb-2024 14:30
131 Choice
Jesus paid the price of our redemption. We can show our eternal thanks for his sacrifice by paying the price of the discipleship to which we are called. Text copies of all podcasts are on the website.
Linked File: 131 choice.pdf
11-Feb-2024 15:15
130 Hatred
We are in a spiritual battle against evil spiritual powers which have found ways to undermine the God-given foundations of humanity. Understanding this will help us be overcomers. Text copy attached.
Linked File: 130 hatred.pdf
4-Feb-2024 18:00
129 Envy
Relationships are a key part of Christian life and our testimony for the gospel. This podcast looks at one of the challenges that come with building relationships and how God uses these in our lives.
Linked File: 129 envy.pdf
28-Jan-2024 11:30
128 Change
The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth but we must have the correct attitude to His vital work. This podcast opens up the biblical view of the Spirit's work. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 128 change.pdf
21-Jan-2024 14:00
127 Dominion
Knowing how to pray for world conflicts is difficult. This podcast explores what the bible has to say about this. A text copy is on the website along with all previous podcasts.
Linked File: 127 dominion.pdf
126 Home
Relationship with God was at the heart of the gospel message. This podcast looks at how Jesus presented this and the important role of the Holy Spirit. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 126 home.pdf
125 Tribulation
Jesus prayed that we would know Him and the Father. This is our calling and the message at the root of the gospel. A text copy and all other podcasts are on the website.
Linked File: 125 tribulation.pdf
31-Dec-2023 14:00
124 Washing
This podcast explains how in our interactions with the world we must learn how to renew our minds and keep our hearts free from being captured by its enchantments. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 124 washing.pdf
24-Dec-2023 14:00
123 Seated
This podcast continues our look into how we can be transformed by renewing our minds in Christ. We go a little deeper and see the privileges we have. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 123 seated.pdf
17-Dec-2023 15:30
122 Renewal
The Christian's daily battleground is in the mind and we must attend to renewing it through the Spirit's grace. A text copy of the podcast is on the website.
Linked File: 122 renewal.pdf
10-Dec-2023 16:00
121 Freewill
Discovering God's will for our lives is more than just hearing a divine voice. We have moral responsibility for our decisions too! A text copy is on the website
Linked File: 121 freewill.pdf
3-Dec-2023 14:30
120 Reflection
Learning how to look back on life and be inspired for the future is an important quality to acquire. This podcast looks at how to balance the two. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 120 reflection.pdf
26-Nov-2023 15:00
119 Parables
The mysteries of the Kingdom were taught by Jesus and by the scriptures using indirect methods. There were reasons for this which we should understand. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 119 Parables
19-Nov-2023 18:00
118 Likeable
How do you imagine Jesus? Is He just someone you would like or is He the Son of Man who rules in our lives as He sees our need? A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 118 likeable.pdf
12-Nov-2023 15:00
117 Reward
The bible has many promises; some of these are connected with our works. This podcast explores that connection and how we can avoid any pitfalls. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 117 reward.pdf
5-Nov-2023 16:00
116 Ministry
This podcast looks at how we can offer good works which God will receive - they are part of a wonderful responsibility to serve God. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 116 ministry.pdf
29-Oct-2023 12:00
115 Good
This is the second in this series on faith and works. Faith and works have often been thought to be in conflict; but that is not so! A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 115 good.pdf
22-Oct-2023 18:00
114 Works
We shall all have to give an account of ourselves before God; but what are the parameters by which we shall be judged? This podcast is the first in a series. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 114 works.pdf
17-Oct-2023 12:15
113 Paradox
Jesus knows each one of us, and He especially knows how to bring the power of grace into our lives. This podcast looks at the importance of this blessing! A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 113 paradox.pdf
8-Oct-2023 18:00
112 Gatekeepers
We are to avoid resisting the Holy Spirit as so many in the bible did. This podcast encourages us to face down the gatekeepers that try to do that! A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 112 gatekeepers.pdf
1-Oct-2023 16:15
111 Imagination
Imagination can be an overlooked quality when it comes to spiritual life. This podcast seeks to encourage the good use of this gift from God. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 111 imagination.pdf
24-Sep-2023 17:30
110 Eden
Jesus said his Kingdom was to be proclaimed to the ends of the earth and not restricted to one place. This podcast explores the biblical revelations about this. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 110 eden.pdf
17-Sep-2023 15:30
109 Character
Following on from the last podcast, we look at the importance of patience and the process by which we grow in character. A text copy can be found on the website under 'Podcast'.
Linked File: 109 character.pdf
10-Sep-2023 18:00
108 Longsuffering
We are called to create peace in our relationships. This podcast tackles this important subject and emphasises practical ways to achieve it. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 108 longsuffering.pdf
3-Sep-2023 16:30
107 Genius
The gospel message squarely faces up to human flaws and sins but also provides a solution to these most basic features of the human condition. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 107 genius.pdf
27-Aug-2023 16:00
106 Walk
In this final episode on pilgrimage, we look at why we should walk by faith and how this environment of faith becomes our natural home. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 106 walk.pdf
20-Aug-2023 16:00
105 Integrity
Continuing the theme of pilgrimage, we look at how important it is to maintain integrity and a good conscience. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 105 integrity.pdf
13-Aug-2023 16:00
104 Abide
How are we to abide in Christ and so bear fruit? This podcast looks at what this means practically. A PDF text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 104 abide.pdf
6-Aug-2023 15:00
103 Fulfilment
Jesus revealed to us that through the Holy Spirit we could know Him as the One who fulfils the heart's desires. This is the essence of His teaching. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 103 fulfilment.pdf
30-Jul-2023 17:00
102 Backsliding
We can never be presumptuous in our pilgrimage but must rely at all times on the grace of God to avoid backsliding. A text copy and all previous podcasts can be found at
Linked File: 102 backsliding.pdf
23-Jul-2023 16:00
101 Flesh
God has made us body and spirit, but sin has corrupted His creation. This podcast explains how that sin problem is dealt with without disrespecting our bodies. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 101 flesh.pdf
16-Jul-2023 15:15
100 Pilgrimage
We are called to pilgrimage as Christians: journeying with Jesus. Be inspired to press on towards the goal of God's purposes for you. A PDF copy can be found on the Living with Mystery website.
Linked File: 100 pilgrimage.pdf
9-Jul-2023 15:00
99 Enemies
The bible has many things to say about the enemies of God. This podcast considers this topic with opportunity for personal reflection. A text PDF copy is on the website.
Linked File: 99 enemies.pdf
2-Jul-2023 14:30
98 People
This podcast looks at the importance of God's people and our challenge to find our place there where we can use our unique gifts. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 98 people.pdf
25-Jun-2023 17:30
97 Rest
Jesus promised an easy yoke and burden. In this podcast we explore what this means and how the grace of God provides for us. A text copy is available on the Living with Mystery website.
Linked File: 97 rest.pdf
18-Jun-2023 17:30
96 Sifting
Our faith is precious to God and so he allows us to be sifted in order to humble us and teach us to walk in the path He has chosen. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 96 sifting.pdf
11-Jun-2023 17:30
95 Snare
Fear is our greatest enemy and can be used to control us or even dilute our commitment to Jesus. This podcast lays out the issues involved and how we can overcome. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 95 snare.pdf
4-Jun-2023 12:30
94 Praise
This is the fifth and final episode on being human. The Holy Spirit wishes to transform us so that we are adorned with the spirit of praise! A text copy is available on the Living with Mystery website
Linked File: 94 praise.pdf
28-May-2023 17:00
93 Hope
Hope is one of our particular human characteristics; it is so important for believing in Jesus and believing in yourself. A text copy is available on the Living with Mystery website.
Linked File: 93 hope.pdf
14-May-2023 16:30
92 Redemption
In this third in the series on being human we see that God has prepared resurrection bodies for us in eternity; it is part of His amazing plan of redemption. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 92 Redemption.pdf
7-May-2023 14:30
91 Default
This is the second in a series on what it means to be human. In Christ we have been given the power to live in newness of life - a new default lifestyle. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 91 default.pdf
30-Apr-2023 17:00
90 Man
This is the first in a series on the vital topic of our importance in the purposes of God. In Jesus, God has given all we need for full redemption. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 90 man.pdf
23-Apr-2023 16:00
89 Teaching
In our present times of biblical ignorance it is vital that bible teaching is given which shows the necessary directions to living holy lives. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 89 teaching.pdf
17-Apr-2023 14:00
88 Knowledge
The bible distinguishes between knowledge which is good and that which is not. Here we see the most important knowledge we can ever have. A PDF copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 88 knowledge.pdf
1-Apr-2023 15:45
87 Faith
This podcast answers questions such as, What is faith? and How can we increase faith? Faith is the secret to knowing God! A text copy is on the website
Linked File: 87 faith.pdf
26-Mar-2023 13:30
86 Creation
The bible is clear that this world was created by God. But why is it imperfect? This podcast looks at the wisdom which the bible gives to help us answer that question. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 86 creation.pdf
19-Mar-2023 14:45
85 Water
We probably take our supply of water for granted; hopefully we shall not take the water of life for granted. This podcast encourages us to invest in God's gift to us. A text copy is on the website
Linked File: 85 water.pdf
12-Mar-2023 14:45
84 Time
It is a wonderful thing when the Holy Spirit is free to work in our lives; we look at some of the principles to understand about this. A text copy of the podcast is on the website.
Linked File: 84 time.pdf
5-Mar-2023 11:00
83 Example
Our life is our message and as such should be an example to others which can be followed. A text copy is available on the Living with Mystery website.
Linked File: 83 example.pdf
26-Feb-2023 15:00
82 Conflict
Everyone experiences conflicts in life and we should understand how God is working at these times. God is maturing us and using these times to illustrate His divine purpose. A text copy is available.
Linked File: 82 conflict.pdf
19-Feb-2023 15:30
81 Salvation
When we speak of being saved we ought to understand the full implications of what that means. This podcast explains more fully its meaning. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 81 salvation.pdf
12-Feb-2023 12:00
80 Contrition
Contrition is part of the character of the Christian and is something we should all be aiming to experience as we mature in the Holy Spirit. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 80 contrition.pdf
5-Feb-2023 14:45
79 Purpose
God always has a plan but we have to learn to be reconciled with whatever that is. This is a podcast with testimonies to encourage us. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 79 purpose.pdf
29-Jan-2023 15:30
78 Practising
This is the final podcast on prayer. Prayer is the life force of the Christian and through it we must press on towards the goal of knowing Jesus. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 78 practising.pdf
22-Jan-2023 16:15
Practising the presence
77 Wrestling
This podcast follows on from the last one to further understand the dynamics of prayer. A PDF text copy is available on the Living with Mystery website under the podcast tab.
Linked File: 77 wrestling.pdf
14-Jan-2023 11:00
Wrestling with God
76 Knowing
We have a calling to know the Lord. This podcast looks at the principles involved to encourage us in this adventure. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 76 knowing.pdf
8-Jan-2023 14:30
Knowing the Lord
75 Religious
A religious impulse is built into people. This podcast explores how this affects us and our relationships. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 75 religious.pdf
1-Jan-2023 17:15
74 Sovereignty
In this podcast we look at God's sovereignty and the conflicts which arise from this belief. A text copy is on the Living with Mystery website.
Linked File: 74 sovereignty.pdf
26-Dec-2022 16:30
God's sovereignty
73 Hiddenness
Why is God hidden from us and is He with us in all circumstances? This podcast explores these questions. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 73 hiddenness.pdf
18-Dec-2022 13:45
72 Patience
Patience is part of the fruit of the Spirit which enables us to build positive relationships with one another. A text copy is available on the Living with Mystery website.
Linked File: 72 patience.pdf
11-Dec-2022 12:00
71 Misrepresentation
Part of Christian character is honesty without hypocrisy. This podcast looks at how we communicate with others and the need for grace in all its forms. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 71 misrepresentation.pdf
4-Dec-2022 15:30
70 Passion
It is so important that we keep our passion for Jesus and His Kingdom alive; how can we ensure this is happening? This podcast helps us to consider these important things.
Linked File: 70 passion.pdf
27-Nov-2022 11:00
69 Soulish
What language does the bible use to help us understand how to guard the soul? This podcast looks at how this helps us to live for Jesus minute by minute. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 69 soulish.pdf
20-Nov-2022 17:45
68 Soul
It is important to guard our souls. This podcast explores how should this be done. A text copy can be found on the Living with Mystery website under podcast.
Linked File: 68 soul.pdf
13-Nov-2022 14:00
The soul
67 The heart
The bible tells us to guard our heart; this podcast encourages us in ways to do just that. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 67 the heart.pdf
6-Nov-2022 11:15
Guard your heart
66 Messiness
We must learn from the Holy Spirit how to work with other people to discover strength and opportunity. A text copy is on the website
Linked File: 66 messiness.pdf
30-Oct-2022 12:00
65 Mythos
This podcast looks at why God must open our eyes to understand and believe. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 65 mythos.pdf
23-Oct-2022 15:15
64 Conscience
In this podcast we look at what conscience is and why it is so important. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 64 conscience.pdf
15-Oct-2022 17:30
63 Praise
Why does the bible command us to Praise the Lord? In this podcast we look at the reasons for, and the benefits of, praise. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 63 praise.pdf
9-Oct-2022 12:00
62 Under Grace
What does Paul mean writing that we are not under law but under grace? We dig into this important subject in the podcast. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 62 under grace.pdf
1-Oct-2022 17:00
Not under law but under grace
61 Holiness
What are holiness and sanctification? This podcast looks at these important topics and how they are connected. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 61 holiness.pdf
25-Sep-2022 12:15
Holiness and Sanctification
60 Grace
How important is grace in the life of the Christian? This podcast digs into this to encourage us to trust God for His favour towards us. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 60 grace.pdf
18-Sep-2022 15:30
59 Faith and doubt
A look at faith and doubt by considering their opposites; and how we can grow in faith. There is a text copy available on the Living with Mystery website.
Linked File: 59 faith and doubt.pdf
11-Sep-2022 12:00
Faith and doubt
58 Human rules
Jesus had to rebuke the religious leaders for the way they misled the people for whom they were responsible. In this podcast we dig into the reasons why. A text copy is on the website.
Linked File: 58 human rules.pdf
6-Sep-2022 15:45
Human rules
57 Genuine religion
If religion becomes an ideology it loses its humanity. Jesus demonstrates how we are to treat one another. A text copy is available on the Living with Mystery website.
Linked File: 57 genuine religion.pdf
28-Aug-2022 18:30
Genuine religion
56 Flawed
There are three aspects to fear in our lives. This podcast reveals how we can turn flawed emotions into a positive opportunity for the Spirit to work in us. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 56 flawed.pdf
12-Aug-2022 15:00
55 Contentment
This podcast looks at the importance of contentment as a Christian virtue and how it delivers us from the entrapments of the world's entitlement. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 55 contentment.pdf
7-Aug-2022 15:00
54 All have fallen short
Once we accept that we have fallen short of God's requirements, then the stage is set for us to grow in character and grace. A text version is available on the Living with Mystery website.
Linked File: 54 all have fallen short.pdf
28-Jul-2022 11:00
All have fallen short of the glory of God
53 The Light of the World
Jesus is the light of the world through whom the world was created and who brings light to us to reveal our sin and need of a Saviour. A text copy can be found on the Living with Mystery website.
Linked File: 53 the light of the world.pdf
17-Jul-2022 11:00
The Light of the World
52 God's wrath in action
This podcast continues to develop a biblical understanding of God's wrath and how we should respond. A PDF text copy is available on the Living with Mystery website.
Linked File: 52 gods wrath in action.pdf
10-Jul-2022 11:30
God's wrath in action
51 The Wrath of God
The first of a series of podcasts looking at the wrath of God and why we should understand how important it is.
Linked File: 51 the wrath of god.pdf
6-Jul-2022 18:30
The Wrath of God
50 Power from on high
The Holy Spirit was the gift which Jesus promised. This Baptism in the Spirit changes us and creates anointed fire in our hearts.
Linked File: 50 power from on high.pdf
19-Jun-2022 11:30
Power from on high
49 The body
Each of us needs to have a positive attitude to our bodies. This podcast reveals the biblical principles of looking after our bodies as those belonging to Jesus. A PDF text is at
Linked File: 49 the body.pdf
12-Jun-2022 11:30
The body
48 Children of God
A podcast which looks into what Jesus meant when he said that we should become like children in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 48 children of god.pdf
5-Jun-2022 11:30
Children of God
47 The Word of God
The is the final podcast on words which focuses on The Word of God. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 47 the Word of God.pdf
29-May-2022 11:00
The Word of God
46 Words that judge
Third in this series on words looks at how words can judge and bring us into judgment. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 46 words that judge.pdf
23-May-2022 10:45
Words that judge
45 Words that deceive
Our second look at the importance of words and how they should reflect the image and character of God. A text version can be found on the website.
Linked File: 45 words that deceive.pdf
15-May-2022 12:00
Words that deceive
44 Words that bless
The first in a short series on the importance of words. We should use our words to bless and bring grace to others. A text version is available on the website.
Linked File: 44 words that bless.pdf
10-May-2022 11:00
Words that bless
43 Sharing the gospel
How can we share the gospel message in our 21st century world to fulfil The Great Commission? A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 43 sharing the gospel.pdf
1-May-2022 11:30
Sharing the gospel
42 The Lamb of God
Jesus was given the wonderful title Lamb of God: the podcast explores why this was so. A text copy is available on the website under the Living with Mystery Podcast tab.
Linked File: 42 the lamb of god.pdf
24-Apr-2022 11:30
The Lamb of God
41 Burning hearts
Our belief in the Resurrection should lead us to being filled with the promised fire of the Holy Spirit inspired through the Scriptures. A text copy can be found at
Linked File: 41 burning hearts.pdf
17-Apr-2022 11:15
Burning hearts
40 The Resurrection
An Easter podcast focusing on the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 40 the resurrection.pdf
11-Apr-2022 11:30
The Resurrection
39 Miracles
A podcast which considers miracles we can take for granted. A text version can be found on the website.
Linked File: 39 miracles.pdf
3-Apr-2022 11:00
38 The supernatural
This podcast tries to answer the question: Should we expect the supernatural to happen? A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 38 the supernatural.pdf
27-Mar-2022 11:00
The Supernatural
37 The fear of the Lord
This podcast looks at the fear of the Lord, what it means and why it is so important to us. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 37 the fear of the lord.pdf
20-Mar-2022 17:00
The fear of the Lord
36 The Holy Spirit and people
This is a look at the work of the Holy Spirit in us and especially through us to other people. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 36 the holy spirit and people.pdf
13-Mar-2022 12:00
The Holy Spirit and people
35 Maturity
In this last podcast in this short mini-series, we look at Christian maturity. Text copies with bible references are available on the website.
Linked File: 35 maturity.pdf
6-Mar-2022 16:30
Christian maturity
34 The temptations of Jesus
This podcast continues our present mini-series as we learn from the temptations which Jesus overcame. A text copy is available at
Linked File: 34 the temptations of jesus.pdf
27-Feb-2022 11:15
The temptations of Jesus
33 Temptation
This podcast continues our series on holy living and looks at how we can deal with temptation. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 33 temptation.pdf
20-Feb-2022 11:00
32 The evil within
Following on from repentance, we look at how Jesus needs to change the evil intents of our hearts. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 32 the evil within.pdf
14-Feb-2022 14:30
The evil within
31 Repentance
What does it mean to repent; and why did Jesus command his disciples to preach repentance? This podcast looks into the answers. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 31 repentance.pdf
6-Feb-2022 10:30
30 Opening our hearts
This is a podcast to help us learn from the Apostle Paul about how we can develop character and serve one another in love. A text version is on the website.
Linked File: 30 opening our hearts.pdf
30-Jan-2022 10:30
Opening our hearts
29 The Kingdom of God
This podcast looks at what the Kingdom of God means and how we can enter it. The text version is on the website.
Linked File: 29 the kingdom of god.pdf
23-Jan-2022 11:30
The Kingdom of God
28 Unbelief
Following on from the last podcast, we look at how to deal with unbelief and finding repentance. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 28 unbelief.pdf
16-Jan-2022 12:00
27 Raising the Dead
This podcast looks at the miracles which Jesus performed and commissioned His disciples to do too. It can also be found on the website in text format.
Linked File: 27 raising the dead.pdf
9-Jan-2022 12:00
Raising the Dead
26 Advent series: Hell
This final part of our Advent series concludes with Hell. The podcast attempts to understand as much as we can about what the bible teaches on this important topic. A text copy is available on the web
Linked File: 26 hell.pdf
2-Jan-2022 11:30
25 Advent series: Heaven
This is the third in our series on the meditations of Advent. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 25 heaven.pdf
26-Dec-2021 12:00
24 Advent series: Judgment
The second subject in this Advent series is judgment. The podcast looks at how comprehensive this is. A text copy is available on the website.
Linked File: 24 judgment.pdf
19-Dec-2021 12:00
23 Advent series: Death
Continuing our Advent theme with what the bible teaches about death. The podcast is also available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 23 death.pdf
12-Dec-2021 10:30
22 Advent: The Second Coming
The Second Coming of Jesus to Earth is an exciting prospect for those who love Him. The podcast is also available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 22 the second coming.pdf
5-Dec-2021 11:30
The Second Coming
21 Spiritual Realities
Spiritual realities should be as important as worldly concerns to the Christian. This podcast deals with how we can make this our practice in life and is available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 21 spiritual realities.pdf
28-Nov-2021 11:45
Spiritual realities
20 The Cleansing Fire
What keeps our Christian faith alive and vibrant? This podcast gives some answers to that question. The podcast is also available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 20 the cleansing fire.pdf
21-Nov-2021 14:30
The Cleansing Fire
19 Relationship not Rules
Knowing Jesus is the most important thing and is not achieved by just obeying religious rules. The podcast is also available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 19 relationship not rules.pdf
14-Nov-2021 16:15
Relationship not rules
18 Losing life to find it
This podcast looks at how the teaching of Jesus on losing life to find it can be worked out. The podcast is also available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 18 losing life to find it.pdf
7-Nov-2021 11:30
Losing life to find it
17 Love and Hate
What exactly did Jesus mean when he taught that we should hate if we wished to be his disciple? The podcast is also available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 17 love and hate.pdf
31-Oct-2021 11:15
Love and hate
16 God resists the Proud
A podcast which looks at how God humbles us so that we can escape the deceitfulness of pride. The podcast is also available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 16 god resists the proud.pdf
24-Oct-2021 18:00
God resists the proud
15 Breaking the World's hold
We continue to look at the world and how we can escape being conformed to it and transformed by renewing the mind. The podcast is also available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 15 breaking the worlds hold.pdf
19-Oct-2021 17:00
Breaking the world's hold
14 What is the World
This podcast develops an understanding of what the world is and how we can escape its traps. The podcast is also available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 14 what is the world.pdf
13-Oct-2021 17:30
What is the world
13 The World as Jesus taught it
A podcast to help us understand what Jesus means when he speaks about the world; and how John uses the word in the bible. The podcast is also available as a PDF on the website.
Linked File: 13 the world.pdf
5-Oct-2021 13:30
The World
12 Reading the Book of Revelation
A look at how Revelation can be better understood if seen as structured into sections. This can reveal its inspiring message. The text version on the website has all the extra details mentioned.
Linked File: 12 reading revelation.pdf
29-Sep-2021 15:30
Reading Revelation
11 The Mind of God
This podcast develops the important way that God reveals his mind to us through his Word. A text copy is available on the website under the podcast tab.
Linked File: 11 the mind of god.pdf
22-Sep-2021 15:30
The mind of God
10 The Old Testament
In this podcast we look at the importance of reading the Old Testament and how to understand its significance. A text copy can be found on the website.
Linked File: 10 the old testament.pdf
16-Sep-2021 18:00
The Old Testament
09 Three Questions of Life
Three questions in life to which the bible gives answers. There is a text version of the podcast on the website with bible references included.
Linked File: 09 three questions of life.pdf
Three questions of life
08 The Relevance of the Gospel
A look at how the Christian message is relevant in today's world. A text version is available on the website including the bible references.
Linked File: 08 relevance.pdf
07 The Still Small Voice
In this podcast we focus on learning to listen and hear from God. A text version is on the website along with all bible references.
Linked File: 07 the still small voice.pdf
The still small voice
06 Learning to Love
What are you called to in life? Learning to love explores this question and how we know that love is genuine. There is a text version on the website.
Linked File: 06 learning to love.pdf
Learning to love
05 The Beatitudes
A deeper look at the Beatitudes and what they teach us about the Kingdom of heaven and how to enter it. The podcast is also available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 05 beatitudes.pdf
The Beatitudes
04 Why Ten Commandments?
This podcast is a closer look at the importance of commandments and rules in Christian life. There are applications from the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus. A PDF file is available.
Linked File: 04 commandments.pdf
03 Restoring our Humanity
Learning from Jesus the perfect man who shows us the end of harsh religious rules and being a loving human. The podcast is also available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 03 restoring our humanity.pdf
13-Aug-2021 11:00
Restoring our humanity
02 True Worship
Discovering how worship is a lifestyle of committed holiness fulfilling the will of God. The podcast is also available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 02 true worship.pdf
12-Aug-2021 10:00
True worship
01 Living with Mystery
An introduction to the podcast series to inspire us to walk with Jesus in the mystery of Christian life. The podcast is also available in text form on the website.
Linked File: 01 living with mystery.pdf
11-Aug-2021 09:00
Living with Mystery