Recordings of Services
15th december reading and talk.mp3
Luke 10 verses 30 to 37
Matthew 25 verses 34 to 40
For various reasons, there will probably be no recordings of services from now until February.
Mark Goodway of the Matthew Tree Project
Rev'd Wayne Massey
Joshua 3
Matthew Champion
17th november reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Isaiah, Chapter 61, Verses 1 - 4
Talk: Manifesto!
The Service on 24th November will not be recorded
Esther Newman
10th november reading and talk.mp3
Reading: John, Chapter 15, Verses 9 to 17
Talk: Sacrifice
Pam Day
Sacrifice (Remembrance Sunday 2024)
20th october 2024 readings and talk.mp3
Reading 1: Genesis, Chapter 11, verse 31 to Chapter 12, verse 9
Reading 2: Hebrews, Chapter 11, verses 1 and 2; then verses 8 to 19
The Services on 27th October and 3rd November were not rec
Rev'd Barbara Revill
13tth october reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Matthew, Chapter 25, Verses 31 to 46
Talk: The Matthew Tree Project. Mark Goodway who leads the Project sent his apologies due to ill-health and Marilyn read a message from him.
Marilyn Goodway
Harvest 2024: The Matthew Tree Project
6th october 2024 readings and talk.mp3
Reading One: Psalm 139, verses 1 - 7
Reading Two: John, Chapter 21, verses 1 - 7 (first part of verse only)
Sermon Part One: Communion
Reading Three: John, Chapter 21, verses 9 - 14
Rev'd Ken Stewart
29th september 2024.mp3
Psalm 150
Psalm 24
Psalm 6: verses 1 - 10
Break of Covenant between Horfield Baptist and Sarah Phillpot
Welcome into Membership of Mary and Jeanne
Psalm 22: verses 22 - 19
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Sarah's Final Service as Pastor of HBC
22nd september reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Philippians, Chapter 2, Verses 1 to 18
Talk: Service
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
15th september reading and talk.mp3
Reading: 1 Corinthians, Chapter 12
Talk: Gifts
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
8th september reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Ephisians, Chapter 4, Verses 1 to 16
Talk: Five-Fold Ministry
My apologies for the poor quality of the first part of the recording.
Rev'd Sarah Philpot
Five-Fold Ministry
1st september reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Matthew, Chapter 26, Verses 17 to 30
Talk: The Lord's Supper
Due to a technical fault part of the Reading was not recorded.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
The Lord's Supper
25th august 2024 reading and talk.mp3
Talk 1: Jesus
Talk 2: The Crowd
Talk 3: Bartimaeus
I am away for the majority of September and October, so the uploads will be done once I am back.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Mark 10: 46 - 52 from three perspectives
18th august reading and talk.mp3
Readings: Romans, Chapters 15 and 16
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Romans 15 & 16
11th august reading and talk.mp3
Readings: Romans, Chapter 13 and Chapter 14
Talk: Community
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
4th august reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Romans, Chapter 12
Talk: Devotion
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
28th july reading and talk.mp3
Reading: John, Chapter 10, Verses 1 - 18
Talk: Ann Tarr of Christians Against Poverty
Ann Tarr of Christians Against Poverty
21st july readings and talk.mp3
Reading: Deuteronomy, Chapter 7, Verses 1 - 11
Talk: Belonging
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
14th july reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Romans, Chapter 10, Verses 9 - 15
Talk: Mystery
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
7th july.mp3
Tony Hall of the Bristol Dementia Alliance
Apologies for the poor quality sound at times.
Tony Hall of Bristol Dementia Alliance
30th june reading and talk.mp3
Reading in two parts:
Romans, Chapter 8, Verses 1 - 19
Romans, Chapter 8, Verses 18 - 38
Talk: Hope
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
23rd june reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Romans, Chapter 6, Verses 1 to 14.
Talk: Freedom
(Intentional short silence during the Talk).
There will be a delay in posting to this Website as I am unavailable until August.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
9th june 2024.mp3
Reading: Acts, Chapter 9, Verses 1 to 31
Talk: Paul - again
The Service on 16th June was not recorded.
Rev. Sarah Phillpot
Paul - again
26th may reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Romans, Chapter 5, Verses 1 to 21
Talk: Peace
Rev. Sarah Phillpot
12th may 2024 reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Romans
Chapter 3, Verses 19 to 24
Chapter 4, Verses 19 to 25
Talk: Salvation
Please note that next week's Service (19th May) will not be recorded.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
5th may reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Book of Romans;
Chapter 1: Verses 18 to 23;
Chapter 2: Verses 1 to 3;
Chapter 3: Verses 19, 20 and 23
Talk: Sin, What is Wrong with the World
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Sin: What is Wrong with the World
28th april reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Romans, Chapter 1, Verses 1 to 7 and 14 to 17
Talk: Gospel
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
21st april talk only.mp3
Reading: John, Chapter 3, Verses 1 to 16
Talk: Beliver's Baptist (Being Baptist series week 3)
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Being Baptist Week 3: Beliver's Baptism
14th april reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Acts, Chapter 22, Verses 3 to 21
Talk: Meeting with Jesus
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Meeting with Jesus
7th april 2024.mp3
Reading: Gospel of John, Chapter 21, Verses 1 - 19
Reflections on the Passage
NB: I am away for the next few weeks so there will be no uploads until next month.
Various Members of the Fellowship
Breakfast on the Beach
easter sunday 2024.mp3
Matthew, Chapter 27, Verses 35 to 40
Luke, Chapter 23, Verses 50 to 56
John, Chapter 20, Verses 1 to 9
Luke, Chapter 24, Verses 1 to 9
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Easter Sunday
29th march 2024 good friday service.mp3
Reading: Matthew, Chapter 26, Verses 69 to 75
Talk: Good Friday
Prayerful Reflection: The Way of the Cross
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Good Friday 2024
24th march talk.mp3
Talk: Palm Sunday
Related Bible Passage: Mark, Chapter 11, Verses 1 - 11
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Palm Sunday
17th march reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Acts, Chapter 2, verses 42 to 47
Talk: The Congregation (Being Bapist #2)
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
The Congregation
10th march reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Luke, Chapter 1, Verses 26 to 38
Talk: Mary
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
3rd march reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Numbers, Chapter 3, Verses 1 - 3 and 17 to 33
Talk: The Spies
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
The Spies
25th february reading and introduction to group di
Reading: Luke, Chapter 4, Verses 1 to 13
Mrs Chris Brown
The Temptation of Christ
18th february intro, reading and talk.mp3
Introduction to Series
Reading: John, Chapter 14, Verses 1 to 7
Talk: Why Be A Baptist? (Being Baptist #1)
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Why be a Baptist?
11th february intro, reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Genesis Chapter 11, verses 1 - 9
Talk: Pieter Breughel the Elder
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Tower of Babel
4th february reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Micah, Chapter 4, Verses 1 - 5
Talk: Baptist Missionary Society
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Baptist Missionary Society
28th january reading and talk.mp3
Reading:Zechariah, Chapter 7, Verses 9 and 10
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Change Makers Week 4
14th january reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Matthew, Chapter 25, Verses 31 to 46
Talk: Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones
The Service on 21st January was not recorded.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Change Makers Week 2
7th january reading and talk.mp3
We are watching a series of videos about how the Church can make a difference in the current Cost of Living Crisis. These can be found at
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Cost of Living Week 1
17th december 2023 reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Matthew Chapter 2, Verses 1 - 12
Talk: Wondering
Advent Week 3
Apologies for the poor quality of the recording, we had technical issues which have now been resolved.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
17-Dec-2023 10:30
10th december 2023 reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Luke, Chapter 2, Verses 8 to 20
Talk: Watching
Week Two of Advent
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
3rd december reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Isaiah Chapter 9, Verses 2, 6 and 7
Talk: Waiting
Week One of Advent
Esther Newman
26th november 2023 introduction, reading and talk.
Introduction to today's theme
Reading: Acts, Chapter 7, Verse 38 to Chapter 8, Verse 3
Talk: Persecution
Week 10 (final week) of the Spirit Filled Church series
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
19th november reading and talk.mp3
Acts, Chapter 4, Versee 1 to 22
Coping with Opposition
Spirit Filled Church Week 9
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Coping with Opposition
12th november reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Acts, Chapter 4, Verses 23 to 31
Talk: Powerful Worship
Week 8 of 10 week Spirit Filled Church series
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Powerful Worship
5th november reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Acts, Chapter 2, Verses 1 to 21
Talk: Pentecost
Week 7 of 10 week Spirit Filled Church series
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
29th october reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Acts, Chapter 6, Verses 1 to 7
Talk: The Ministry Team
Week 6 of 10 week Spirit Filled Church programme
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
The Ministry Team
Mark Goodway
The Matthew Tree Project, Bristol - Harvest 2023
22nd october reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Acts, Chapter 4, Verses 32 to 35
Talk: Common Life
Week 5 of 10 week Spirit Filled Church series
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Common Life
15th october reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Acts, Chapter 11, Verses 1 to 18
Talk: Healing Prejudice
Week 4 of the Spirit Filled Church series
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Healing Prejudice
8th october reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Acts, Chapter 8, Verses 26 to 39
Talk: Guidance in the Spirit
Week 3 of the Spirit Filled Church series
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Guidance in the Spirit
1st october reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Acts, Chapter 8, Verses 8 to 25
Talk: Occult Threat
Week 2 of the Spirit Filled Church series
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Occult Threat
24th september reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Acts, Chapter 3, Verses 1 - 16
Talk: Healing in the Temple
Week 1 of 10 week Jesus Shaped People series Spirit Filled Church.
Each talk also on our YouTube Channel
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Healing in the Temple
27th august reading and talk.mp3
Reading: 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13 - read from The Message version of the Bible by Eugene Peterson
Talk: Love Never Fails
Week 6 of the 6 week Summer of Love series
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Love Never Fails
20th august reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Matthew, Chapter 3, Verses 13 to 17
Talk: Storge Love
Week 5 of the 6 week Summer of Love series
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Storge Love
13th august 2023.mp3
Reading: Psalm 23
Talk: Khesed Love
Part 4 of the six week Summer of Love series
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Khesed Love
6th august 2023.mp3
Reading: John, Chapter 3, Verses 11 to 21
Talk: For God so Loved the World
Part 3 of 6 in the Summer of Love series
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
For God So Loved the World
30th july reading and talk.mp3
Reading: John, Chapter 14, Verses 34 and 35
Talk: Phillia Love
Week 2 of the Summer of Love series
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Phillia Love
23rd july reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Matthew, Chapter 22, Verses 34 to 40
Talk: Apape Love
Part 1 of Summer of Love series
There were no recordings of the services on 9th and 16th July
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Agape Love
2nd july 2023 reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Phillippians, Chapter 2, Verses 5 to 11
Talk: We go in the name of Jesus.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
We go in the name of Jesus
25th june reading and talk.mp3
Reading: First letter to the Thessalonians, Chapter 5, Verses 12 to 28
Talk: Making Prayer Central to our Lives
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Making Prayer Central to our Lives
11th june 2023 reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Luke 10, verses 25 - 37
Talk: Responding to the Jesus Shaped People programme
NB: There was no recording on 18th June as we joined with the live-link from the Baptist Assembly.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Resonding to Jesus Shaped People
4th june 2023.mp3
Reading: Phillippians, Chapter 4, Verses 4 - 7 (Unfortunately, this was not recorded properly)
Talk: Faithful Prayer
I am away on holiday so the next few weeks will be late being upload
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Faithful Prayer
28th may 2023.mp3
Pentecost Sunday
Reading: Isaiah Chapter 61, verses 1 - 4
Talk: Jesus Shaped People Reflection
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Jesus Shaped People Reflection
21st may 2023.mp3
Reading: Luke, Chapter 18, Verses 1 to 8
Talk: Prayer (part 1)
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Prayer (part 1)
14th may 2023.mp3
Reading: John, Chapter 17, Verses 6 to 26
Talk: Following Jesus (part 3)
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Following Jesus
7th may 2023.mp3
Psalm 23
Romans 8, verses 38 and 39
Chris Brown and Esther Newman
Prayer Labyrinth
30th april 2023.mp3
Reading: John, Chapter 2, Verses 1 - 11
Talk: Hospitality and Gladness in Giving
Esther Newman
23rd april 2023.mp3
Reading: Luke Chapter 10, Verses 1 - 12
Talk: Following Jesus (week 2)
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Following Jesus (week 2)
16th april 2023.mp3
Reading 1: Matthew, Chapter 11, Verses 28 to 30
Talk 1: My Yoke is Easy
Reading 2: Matthew, Chapter 7, Verses 13 and 14
Talk 2: The Gate is Narrow
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
My Yoke is Easy and The Gate is Narrow
9th april 2023 easter sunday.mp3
Easter Sunday 2023
Reading: John, Chapter 20, Verses 1 - 18
Talk: Restoration
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
7th april 2023 good friday.mp3
Reading: Psalm 23
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Good Friday
2nd april 2023.mp3
Reading: Matthew chapter 21, verses 1 to 11
Palm Sunday 2023
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Palm Sunday
26th march 2023.mp3
Reading: Exodus, Chapter 16, Verses 1 to 8
(30 second delay in recording starting)
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Last Sunday at 279 Gloucester Road
19th march 2023.mp3
Reading: Matthew 7: verses 24 - 27
Talk: Moving On
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Mothering Sunday / Moving On
12th march reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Matthew, Chapter 28, Verses 16 - 20
I am away for the next three weeks so there will be a delay in uploads to this Website until next month.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
5th march 2023.mp3
Service of Thanksgiving for 279 Gloucester Road as we move to our new building at 160a Gloucester Road.
Reading: Hebrews Chapter 11, verses 1 - 3, 8 - 10, 38 - 40 and Chapter 12, verse 2.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Service of Thanksgiving for 279 Gloucester Road
26th february 2023.mp3
Talk part 1: Telling the Story
Reading: Ezra, Chapter 1
Talk part 2: Looking Back and Moving On (week one)
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Looking Back and Moving On
12th february 2023.mp3
Leprosy Sunday 2023
Reading: John 6: 3 - 13
Apologies for the echo on the sound.
The Service on 19th February was not recorded.
Jenny Foster
Leprosy Sunday 2023
5th february 2023.mp3
Reading: Luke 4: 14 - 21
Talk: The Way Forward
Week 15 of 15 Jesus Shaped People programme
First few minutes did not record due to a technical issue
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
The Way Forward
29th january 2023.mp3
Reading: Matthew 25: 31 - 46
Talk: Social Injustice
Week 14 of Jesus Shaped People
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Social Injustice
22nd january 2023.mp3
Reading: Matthew 21: 1 - 17
Talk: Prophetic Action
Week 13 of Jesus Shaped People
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Prophetic Action
15th january 2023.mp3
Reading: Mark 9: 14 - 29
Talk: The Power of Prayer
Week 12 of Jesus Shaped People
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
The Power of Prayer
8th january 2023 reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Matthew 6: 5 - 15
Talk: Balanced Prayer
Week 11 of Jesus Shaped People
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Balanced Prayer
1st january 2023 reading and talk.mp3
Reading: Mark 1: 35 - 39
Talk: Waiting on God
Jesus Shaped People Week 10
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Waiting on God
Jenny Foster
Hidden Riches
4th december 2022.mp3
Advent Week Two
Reading: Isaiah 11: parts of verses 1 - 9
Theme: Worshipping
Unfortunately, last week's service could not be recorded.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
20th november 2022.mp3
Theme: Training on the Job
Reading: Mark 6: 6b - 13
Week 9 of the Jesus Shaped People programme
Unfortunately, last week's service did not record properly.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Training on the Job
06th november 2022.mp3
Reading: Mark Chapter 8, verse 27 to Chapter 9, verse 1
Talk: Common Purpose
Week Seven of Jesus Shaped People programme
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Common Purpose
30th october 2022.mp3
Reading: Acts 6: 1 - 11
Theme: Storytelling part 2 and Harvest
Jenny Foster and Esther Newman
23rd october 2022.mp3
Reading: Mark 4: 1 - 20
Theme: Storytelling
Week Six of the Jesus Shaped People programme
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
16th october 2022.mp3
Reading: Mark, chapter 7, verses 1 - 8 and 14 - 23
Theme: Unlearning
Week Five of the Jesus Shaped People programmebr
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
9th october 2022.mp3
Reading: Mark 1: 14 - 22
Theme: Capturing Hearts and Minds
Week Four of the Jesus Shaped People programme
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Capturing Hearts and Minds
2nd october 2022.mp3
Reading: Mark 7: 24 - 31
Theme: Responding to Real Need
Week Three of Jesus Shaped People programme
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Responding to Real Need
25th september 2022.mp3
Reading: Mark 10: 46 - 52
Theme: People on the Edge
Week Two of the Jesus Shaped People programme
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
People on the Edge
18th september 2022.mp3
Reading: Mark 3: 1 - 12
Theme: Out on the Streets
Week One of the Jesus Shaped People programme
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Jesus Shaped People Week 1: Out on the Streets
11th september 2022.mp3
Reading: Luke 7: 18 - 35
Theme: John the Baptist's Legacy
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
John the Baptist's Legacy
4th september 2022.mp3
Reading: Luke 1: 38 - 56
Also, Psalms 146 and 25
Annual Day of Prayer Service
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Day of Prayer 2022
28th august 2022.mp3
Reading: Ephesians 5: 15 - 20
Talk: You are Filled with the Holy Spirit
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
You are Filled wtih the Holy Spirit
21st august 2022.mp3
Reading: 1 Peter 2: 9 - 12
Talk: You are Accepted and Forgiven
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
You are Accepted and Forgiven
7th august 2022.mp3
Reading: John 3: 16 - 21
Talk: You are Loved
The Service on 14th August was not recorded.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
You are Loved
31st july 2022.mp3
Reading: 1 John 3: 1 - 3
You are not who the World says you are
You are a Child of God
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
You are not who the World says you are
24th july.mp3
Reading: Ephesians 2: 1 - 10
Talk: You are Precious
Please note that I will be away for most of August and September; so there will be a delay in uploading Services to this website.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
You are Precious
17th july 2022.mp3
Reading: Mark 5: 21 - 43
Talk: Things that Matter to Jesus
Brendan Bassett of Jesus Shaped People
Things that Matter to Jesus
10th july 2022.mp3
Reading: Mark 9: 14 - 29
Talk: All Things can be Done for the One who Believes
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
All Things can be Done for the One who Believes
3rd july 2022.mp3
Reading of Matthew Chapter 6 in 4 parts:
Verses 1 - 4
Verses 7 - 15
Verses 16 - 24
Verses 25 - 34
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
19th june.mp3
Reading was from John, Chapter 11 in four parts:- Versese 1 - 6, 7 - 16, 17 - 27, 28 - 36 and 37 - 44
Talk: Raising Lazarus
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Raising Lazarus
5th june 2022.mp3
Reading: Acts 2: 1 - 11
Talk: Pentecost
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
29th may 2022.mp3
Reading: Luke 19: 1 - 10
Talk: Zacchaeus
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
22nd may 2022.mp3
Reading: Matthew 9: 9 - 12
Talk: Who Needs a Physician
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Who Needs a Physician
15th may 2022.mp3
Reading: Luke 10: 1 - 12
Talk: The Harvest is Plentiful
The last song is loud!
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
The Harvest is Plentiful
1st may 2022.mp3
Reading: John 21: 1 - 17
Talk: Being Church
Tim was received into Membership
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Being Church
17th april 2022 easter sunday.mp3
Reading: Mark 16: 1 - 8
Talk: Can the Gospel End in Silence?
Tim's Baptism
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
Easter Sunday
15th april 2022 good friday.mp3
Reading: Mark 15: 1 - 47 in four parts
Members of the Fellowship
Good Friday
10th april 2022.mp3
Reading: Mark 11: 1 - 11
Talk: Triumph ?
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
3rd april 2022.mp3
Reading: John 12: 1 - 8
Talk: The Aroma of Praise
Readings during Communion:-
Luke 22: 7 - 13
1 Corinthians 11: 23 - 26
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
The Aroma of Praise
27th march 2022.mp3
Reading: John 3: 14 - 21
Talk: God So Loved
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
God So Loved
20th march 2022.mp3
Reading: John 2: 13 - 22
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
The Temple
13th march 2022.mp3
Talk: Jesus is Lord
Reading: Mark 8: 31 - 38
Rev Sarah Phillpot
Jesus is Lord
6th march 2022.mp3
Title: The Kingdom is Near
Reading: Mark 1: 9 - 15
Apologies for the delay in uploading this. I have been unwell.
Rev Sarah Phillpot
The Kingdom is Near
20th february 2022.mp3
Reading: Luke 18: 1 - 17
Next weeks's Service (27th February) will not be recorded
Esther Newman
13th february 2022.mp3
Reading Matthew 6: 9 - 13
Open House Church have grown from the remenants of Southmead Baptist Church.
The Service on 6th February was not recorded.
Leadership Team of Open House Church
30th january 2022.mp3
Readings:- John 21: 1 - 12 and John 8: 2 - 11brTalk: Acceptance
About 24 minutes into the Service there is a loud, unexpected, noise.
Jenny Foster
The Leprosy Mission
23rd january 2022.mp3
Isaiah 9: 2b - 7
Ephesians 5: 8 - 14
Matthew 2: 1 - 12
We watched a video by Save The Children. Available on YouTube as If London Were Syria.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot and Chris Brown
23-Jan-2022 10:30
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
16th january 2022.mp3
Reading: Luke 14: 1 - 35
Matthew Champion
16-Jan-2022 10:30
9th january 2022.mp3
Reading: Luke 5: 1 - 11
Sorry for the delay in uploading this to the Website.
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot
9-Jan-2022 10:30
2nd january 2022.mp3
Reading: Revelation, Chapter 21
Rev'd Sarah Phillpot