Enjoying God - Sundays @ 10:30am
Genesis Chapter 2
Creation from the perspective of the earth, Adam's birth & 5 points on how we are/are not the image of God.
Les Wheeldon
10-May-2020 10:30
Romans 16
Completion of series on Romans, chapter 16 and round-up.
Les Wheeldon
10-May-2020 07:30
The 3 main threats to our endurance, perseverance & consistancy as Christians are sin, deception and suffering - how do we overcome these trials? Listen & find out.
Andy Deaville
3-May-2020 10:30
Les Wheeldon
26-Apr-2020 19:00
Genesis 1 - The Glory of God
The beginning of all things: God the creator & the artist who speaks and things happen.
Les Wheeldon
19-Apr-2020 10:30
Les Wheeldon
12-Apr-2020 10:30
Robin Calcutt
5-Apr-2020 10:30
Grahame Davies
29-Mar-2020 10:30
The Christian Life
Encouragement on how to live a normal Christian life based on Pauls' teaching in Acts 20.
Steven Cann
15-Mar-2020 10:30
Rohrer family singing
Acapella singing of 3 songs by a Canadian family of 6
Canadian family
8-Mar-2020 10:30
Les Wheeldon
8-Mar-2020 10:30
Hebrews 10 v 32-39
Faith, endurance and confidence despite struggles and suffering.
Don't be discouraged or weary - keep going.
Graham Cline
1-Mar-2020 10:30
Moses' three challenges
Antoine from Camaroon speaking from Exodus ch3 and 4 about knowing who God is, knowing that he is our sufficiency, and laying down our old life so He can take it up, make it new, and give it back to u
Antoine from Cameroon
23-Feb-2020 10:30
Vicki Wheeldon
16-Feb-2020 10:30
Les Wheeldon
9-Feb-2020 19:00
Jairus and the woman
How we come to Jesus and how He responds to us explored in Mark 5v21 onwards in the account of these 2 healings.
Andy Deaville
2-Feb-2020 10:30
Les Wheeldon
26-Jan-2020 19:00
The life is in the blood
We have the life of Jesus in us: Baptism & Communion as symbols.
Mike Bates
19-Jan-2020 10:30
2 Peter 1
Forming Christs' character in us.
Mike Houghton
12-Jan-2020 10:30
Little things can make a big difference
Joshua 9 v 1 - 27
Listen to God and to the Holy Spirit.
Grahame Davies
5-Jan-2020 10:30