Recorded Sermons
Matthew 5:33-48 - Oaths, Retaliation and True Love
A very clear exegesis on Matthew 5 verses 33 - 48.
Matthew Seary
Brian Graham
23-Feb-2025 10:30
Sermon on the Mount teaching on specific issues
Jesus Fully Fills The Law
A brief exposition of how Jesus fully fills all the requirements of the Law.
Andrew Henderson
Jesus fulfils the law
Sermon on the mount pt 2 - Blessing
Matthew looks at the blessings we have being IN Christ Jesus and the expounds on the fact that we are to be a blessing in the world.
Matthew Seary
9-Feb-2025 10:30
Matthew 5 verses 1-15
Spread the Word with Passion
An encouraging word to share the Word of God with Passion and Urgency.
Matthew Seary
26-Jan-2025 10:30
The faithfulness of Simeon and Anna.
Age does not define our usefulness to God, Faithfulness does. Simeon and Anna encourage us to stay faithful to God and obedient to God at all times.
Andrew Henderson
19-Jan-2025 10:30
Stand firm through prayer and the word
A week in the life of a Christian
Matthew Seary
12-Jan-2025 10:30
The Beatitudes
An exploration of the opening verses of The Sermon on the Mount.
David Warboys
5-Jan-2025 10:30
Matthew 5 verses 1 to 15
Matthew Seary
29-Dec-2024 10:30
The Gift of Jesus at Christmas - What is included
Christianity is not about a system of belief, nor is it about self help. Christianity is about Jesus Christ our Lord who was born for us, died for us, rose again from the dead for us, ascended into h
Andrew Henderson
The meaning of Christmas
Magnify The Lord
Mary's Psalm of Praise, known as The Magnificat, magnifies the Lord in her life and vision. As we raise up praise to God so our vision of God and our experience of God will be magnified.
Andrew Henderson
22-Dec-2024 10:40
Prepare ye the way of the lord
As John the Baptist announces the presence of Jesus in the world, we are challenged to do the same in the world we live in today.
Matthew Seary
15-Dec-2024 10:30
Are you ready for Christmas?
The question is this, are we prepared to receive the full impact of the events of Christmas in our lives and do we recognise Jesus as Sovereign over all things.
Andrew Henderson
Psalm 22
A timely reminder that the Christmas season is a crucial and central part of God's redemptive plan for mankind.
Matthew Seary
1-Dec-2024 10:30
Christ Came to Die for Our Sins
Unto Us a Child is Given
A short introduction to the wonder of the advent season.
For those who are unsettled by world news, changing governments and the threat of violence and vengeance Isaiah 9 offers the perfect antidot
Andrew Henderson
24-Nov-2024 10:30
Isaiah Chapter 9
How Does God See Us - Romans 5
Rom 5:1-3 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. - This is how God sees us, please listen to this wonderful sermon given by Matthew.<
Matthew Seary
17-Nov-2024 10:30
Luke tells us that Elizabeth was 'Righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord.' What an amazing testimony to an amazing lady.
Andrew Henderson
10-Nov-2024 10:30
Matthew Seary
27-Oct-2024 10:30
Andrew Henderson
20-Oct-2024 10:30
Matthew Seary
6-Oct-2024 10:30