Enjoying God - Sundays @ 10:30am
Les Wheeldon
29-Dec-2019 19:00
Matthew 26
The beginning of Jesus' last 24 hours on earth
Les Wheeldon
29-Dec-2019 10:30
John 1
8 points on receiving Jesus and having our lives radically changed.
Les Wheeldon
22-Dec-2019 10:30
Les Wheeldon
15-Dec-2019 19:00
John 8 v1-11
The woman caught in adultery - the heart of God is to forgive.
Colin Davies
15-Dec-2019 10:30
Andy Deaville
8-Dec-2019 10:30
The devil is out to deceive us
1 Kings 13: This chapter is a warning to us not to be deceived.
Grahame Davies
1-Dec-2019 10:30
Romans chapter 10
An exploration of the 8 most important points in chapter.
Les Wheeldon
24-Nov-2019 19:00
Galations 5
Dave Cann, Jamie Wright and Steven Cann
24-Nov-2019 10:30
Stand firm
You have a certain hope - let nothing move you. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, your labour is not in vain.
Robin Calcutt
17-Nov-2019 10:30
Worship & leadership
Fellowship, communion & worship are interlinked.
Andy Hunter
10-Nov-2019 19:00
Things Jesus said on the cross.
We, the church, are the temple of God. We can have fellowship with Him.
Andy Hunter
10-Nov-2019 10:30
Are you satisfied?
Extravagant riches are ours in God.
Andy Deaville
3-Nov-2019 10:30
How Deep Is Your Love
Matthew 26
Les Wheeldon
27-Oct-2019 10:30
Grahame Davies
20-Oct-2019 10:30
The Light
Do you know Jesus as a daily light in your life?
Graham Cline
13-Oct-2019 10:30
Endued with power from on high
Jesus wants to wrap us in the Holy Spirit, the power comes from God - we need it, how do we get it? Listen here for some answers to this question.
Pete Jones
6-Oct-2019 10:30
What is communion? A symbol of our dependence on Jesus and love for Him and one another.
Andy Deaville
29-Sep-2019 10:30
Growing by Enduring
To get a good report from God you have to live by enduring faith - when tempted to give up, or hindered in any way from following Jesus - look at Jesus who endured for the eternal joy ahead.
John Tindal
22-Sep-2019 10:30
Romans 9-11
Looking at the place of Israel - ethnic Jews - in the church. What was God's heart for Israel? What is God's heart for us?
Les Wheeldon
15-Sep-2019 19:00
The word of faith from James
Looking at the 'word of faith' from the book of James. What does 'faith' mean in our lives?
Terry Watson
15-Sep-2019 10:30
Matthew 24-25 Part 2
Prophesies of the future & events fulfilled since Jesus was on earth. Events to come mean we need our hearts to be ready and to take part in acts of kindness and love.
Les Wheeldon
8-Sep-2019 10:30
The Wrath of God is Satisfied
Part 2of 2 ( Part 1 see 23 June 2019)brWhat is the Wrath of God? 6 points that show we should be condemned BUT through Jesus' death we can be saved.br
Grahame Davies
1-Sep-2019 10:30
Servanthood part 2 of 2
What we learn from Jesus:He listened to God then acted on what he heard; He was not always appreciated. We are to serve God without judging how others are serving.
Graham Cline
18-Aug-2019 10:30
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit makes real in us what Jesus did on the cross. We are given purpose and hope.
Pete Jones
11-Aug-2019 10:30
Romans 9
The origins of the Roman church. The sovereignty of God vs free will of man.
Les Wheeldon
4-Aug-2019 19:30
Matthew 24-25 An introduction
Jesus is coming again to rule and to judge. We must live ready for this coming event not with anxiety but trusting God and receiving His peace whatever our circumstances.
Les Wheeldon
4-Aug-2019 10:30
Matthew 22-23
The Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes came to trick Jesus over taxes - the coin bears the image of Caesar but our hearts bear the image of God and He desires the love of our hearts.
Les Wheeldon
21-Jul-2019 10:30
Servanthood Part 1 of 2
Characteristics of a servant from Isaiah: called, filled with the Spirit, submitted to God. Followed by 3 problems faced by those with a desire to serve God and how to overcome them.
Graham Cline
14-Jul-2019 10:30
Romans 1 - without excuse
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2-1 Sep)
God has given every person sufficient cause to consider Him, through the created world, and through the qualities of His creatures, to leave us all without excuse before
Grahame Davies
23-Jun-2019 10:30
Martin Williams
9-Jun-2019 10:30
Matthew 22 - the wedding feast
Les continues his study on the gospel of Matthew, in chapter 22 - The wedding Feast and the response from the religious leaders
Les Wheeldon
Romans 8- the communion of the Holy Spirit
Bible Study on Romans continued in Chapter 8, describing our Life in the Spirit
Les Wheeldon
We are living stones
From 1 Peter 2 Andy shows how we are living stones being built into something precious as we abide with Jesus.
Andy Deaville
Walking in trust
We can trust God because He knows all about us - from Psalm 139
Mike Houghton
19-May-2019 10:30
Believing God in the face of difficulty
Abraham believed God in the face of impossible things and God blessed Him. Vicki shares personal testimony from her time with Les in Cameroon, showing how God used some of the most difficult things th
Vicki Wheeldon
Aspects of justification from Romans 5v1-5.mp3
Saji Chacko teaches on justification and salvation from Romans 5
Saji Chacko
Saji Chacko's testimony and ministry in Kerala
Saji Chacko describes his testimony and work in Kerala
Saji Chacko
Cloverley Conference 2019
The Message of the Gospel
Les Wheeldon
3-May-2019 10:00
Cloverley Conference 2019
The coming of the Holy Spirit / The day of Judgement
Les Wheeldon
2-May-2019 19:30
Cloverley Conference 2019
Session 2:'Authority'
Mary Seaton
2-May-2019 11:00
Cloverley Conference 2019
Session 1:'What do you want?'
Matt Chilvers
2-May-2019 10:00
Cloverley Conference 2019
'Blessed are the poor in spirit'
Matt Chilvers
1-May-2019 19:30
Cloverley Conference 2019
Session 2:'Behold the Lamb of God'
Peter Elks
1-May-2019 11:00
Cloverley Conference 2019
Session 1:'Communion'
Les Wheeldon
1-May-2019 10:00
Cloverley Conference 2019
The Power of the Spirit within
Les Wheeldon
30-Apr-2019 19:30
Cloverley Conference 2019
Session 2:Elijah
Mary Seaton
30-Apr-2019 11:00
Cloverley Conference 2019
Session 1:Intimacy with God
Matt Chilvers
30-Apr-2019 10:00
Cloverley Conference 2019
Being a Heavenly Church
Les Wheeldon
29-Apr-2019 19:30
Grahame Africa Update
Grahame sharing about his recent visit to Africa
Grahame Davies
28-Apr-2019 10:30
Choosing to encounter Jesus
Choosing to let Jesus convince us of his love. Taking the time for encounters with Him.
Mike Houghton
28-Apr-2019 10:30
Romans 7 & 8
The heart of sin is selfishness. We should love one another, not seeing the faults but thinking spiritually, like God does. Living in the Spirit is foundational for Christians.
Les Wheeldon
25-Apr-2019 20:15
Sizewell 2019
The Kingdom Of God: Part 3
Jonny Keegan
22-Apr-2019 10:00
Church weekend away
Sizewell 2019
Jonny Keegan shares his own testimony
Jonny Keegan
21-Apr-2019 10:00
Church weekend away
Sizewell 2019
The Kingdom Of God: Part 2
Jonny Keegan
21-Apr-2019 10:00
Church weekend away
Sizewell 2019
The Kingdom Of God: Part 1
Jonny Keegan
20-Apr-2019 10:00
Church weekend away
The Resurrection:Power to live differently
We need to have the Spirit of Eternity and Resurrection in our hearts and we will then live with the eternal power of God in our lives.
Dave Latham
14-Apr-2019 18:30
The Cross:Redemption and Justification
At the cross Jesus Redeemed and Justified us, therefore we now belong to God and we will be presented blameless to Him by Jesus.
Dave Latham
14-Apr-2019 10:30
Matthew 21: Love not Religion
Matthew 21 v 1 - 22
God longs for the fruit of love in our lives, not religion.
Les Wheeldon
7-Apr-2019 10:30
Romans 7
Romans chapter 7: A holy heart is the Christian goal, not the fake holiness produced by following the law.
Les Wheeldon
4-Apr-2019 20:00
Love One Another
The way in which the Body of Christ should build itself up in love. A challenge to us to love one another as Christ loves us.
Andy Deaville
31-Mar-2019 10:30
The parable of the workers in the vineyard
Matthew 20:The parable of the workers in the vineyard. Long term Christians running the risk of falling from grace.
Les Wheeldon
24-Mar-2019 10:30
Be proactive and believe- John 3 v 14, the promise of eternal life can be ours.
Matt Barrow
17-Mar-2019 10:30
Elijah Part 2
Elijah 2 of 2
Mary Seaton
10-Mar-2019 18:30
Mary Seaton
10-Mar-2019 10:30
Let not your heart be troubled
John 14 v 1-18 We need a deeper trust in Jesus, God is always there waiting for us with the Holy Spirit to help.
Marco Giorgi
3-Mar-2019 10:30
Learning to listen to God in the secret place so that you will know how to pray.
Andy Hunter
17-Feb-2019 18:30
Seen and Heard
Jesus is the lamb that was slain, He came to baptise us with the Holy Spirit and fire and we need to drink to have true fellowship.
Andy Hunter
17-Feb-2019 10:30
Our response to suffering & persecution
A short report on Uganda & The DRC.
There will be suffering and persecution for Christians but God is in control. Our 5 steps of response.
Grahame Davies
10-Feb-2019 10:30
Caleb:Man of the Spirit
Mike starts this message:Caleb was a man of decisive action and saw things differently. It will challenge you to look at your life and reactions to problems which could really be God's opportuniti
Tim Cross
27-Jan-2019 10:30
The rich young ruler
Mark 10 v 17-23: We have to come to Jesus just as we are, giving him our gifts, abilities and riches to do with as he wishes.
Mike Bates
13-Jan-2019 10:30
Mark 10: The rich young ruler
The Rich Young Ruler
Matthew 19: The rich young ruler. A moral life, trust in riches, education or anything else before trust in God is idolatry.
Les Wheeldon
6-Jan-2019 10:30
Matthew 19