Podcast Stream
Building Gods Family Together- Andrew Moore
Andrew shares about Building Gods Family Together looking at how we all have a part to play from 1 Corinthians 12
Andrew Moore
Building Gods Family Together
Building God's Family with Vision- John Kell
John continues our series looking at Building God's Family looking at how we align with God's vision for the church both globally and locally.
John Kell
Building God's Family with Vision
Building God's Family on Jesus- Graham Kell
Graham starts our new series Building God's Family by looking at why we need to Build God's Family on Jesus
Graham Kell
Building God's Family on Jesus
Jesus Is Enough- Jessica Kell
Jess shares a great message Challenging us to ask Is Jesus is enough for us?
Jessica Kell
Jesus Is Enough
Walking and Living Differently -Graham Kell
Graham continues his series in Ephesians looking at Ephesians 4:17-30 looking at walking and living differently.
Graham Kell
5-Sep-2021 09:30
Walking and Living Differently -Ephesians 4:17-30
The Missing Ingredient- David Kell
David shared about the missing ingredient of the Holy Spirit and encouraged us to press into the Holy Spirit.
David Kell
The Missing Ingredient- The Holy Spirit
Take My yoke Upon You and Learn From Me
Ronnie shares from Matthew 11 regarding Jesus' call for all who are burdened and heavy in spirit to come to him and he will give them rest.
Ronnie Edwards
22-Aug-2021 09:45
Matthew 11
Exodus 1- Andrew Moore
Andrew looks at the lessons we can learn from Exodus 1 and the incredible actions of the Hebrew Midwives. Andrew shared on 15th August as part of our celebrations that day.
Andrew Moore
15-Aug-2021 09:45
Exodus 1
Refocus- John Kell
John shares from Chronicles challenging us to Refocus looking at Who, What and How?
John Kell
8-Aug-2021 09:45
Maturing Together In The Plans And Purposes of God
Graham shared from Ephesians 4:7-16 looking at how we mature together in the plans and purposes of God.
Graham Kell
Maturing Together In The Plans And Purposes of God
New Sight - John Seddon
John continued our series New Beginnings looking at New Sight and what it means to have new Sight in Jesus.
John Seddon
New Sight
New King - David Kell
David continued our series New Beginnings by looking at how we have a New King and challenging us to ask if Jesus is King in our lives
David Kell
New King
New Song- John Kell
John continues our series New Beginnings by looking at how God places a new song in our hearts and in our lives. John challenges us to never lose the wonder.
John Kell
New Song
New Life- Graham Kell
Graham begins our series New Beginnings by looking at New Life and challenges us to treasure the new life we have in Jesus
Graham Kell
New Life
New Beginnings- John Kell
John Kell shared with us all about New Beginnings and how God has been speaking to him and Rachel all about New Beginnings, including the very exciting news of the launch fo King's Community
John Kell
New Beginnings- KIng's Community
Hope- Jessica Kell
Jessica shared a great word all about Hope and challenged us to anchor ourselves in Hope
Jessica Kell
Joy- Dave Glover
Our brilliant friends Dave and Sue Glover joined us from Killingworth. Dave shared a great word about Joy. Using the song The Joy of the Lord by Rend https://bit.ly/2S6lNZf
Dave Glover
New Beginnings 2020- Graham & Jess Kell
Graham and Jess start 2020 by sharing the vision for 2020, New Beginnings.
Graham & Jess Kell
New Beginnings 2020
Are You Under The Influence?- Graham Kell
Graham spoke to us on the first Sunday of 2020 asking us what are we under the influence of? And challenging us to be under the influence of Jesus
Graham Kell
Are You Under The Influence?
Enduring Not Cruising- Andrew Moore
Andrew concluded our series Intentionally Pressing In and Pressing On by encouraging us to be people who Intentional Endure Not Cruise.
Andrew Moore
Intentionally Enduring Not Cruising
Christmas Unpacked- David Kell
David spoke on Christmas Day looking at how the birth of Jesus effected: Elizabeth, Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, The Shepherds, Magi, Simeon and Anna
David Kell
Christmas Unpacked
Evening Carol Service- John Kell
John shared about the meaning of Christmas and the names Jesus and Emmanuel at our 2019 Evening Carol Service
John Kell
Evening Carol Service
Waiting Not Being Impatient- Ronnie Edwards
Ronnie encourages us to wait for God and not being Impatient.
Ronnie Edwards
Intentionally Waiting Not Being Impatient
Pressing On Not Coasting- Freda Westwood
Freda continued our series by looking at the challenging of Pressing On and Not Coasting in our faith in Jesus
Freda Westwood
Intentionally Pressing On Not Coasting
Intentionally Gathering Not Isolating- Graham Kell
Graham continues our series Intentionally Pressing In and Pressing On by looking at the challenge of being a people that Intentionally Gather and don't Isolate.
Graham Kell
Intentionally Gathering Not Isolating
Doing What He Says & Not Rebelling - John Seddon
John continues our series Intentionally Pressing in and Pressing On, by looking at Intentionally Doing What He Says & Not Rebelling and the challenge to avoid drifting by pursuing obedience.
John Seddon
Intentionally Doing What He Says & Not Rebelling
Intentionally Working Not Watching- David Kell
David continued our series Intentionally Pressing In and Pushing In, by challenging us to look at the pool of Bethesda, and also instigating a tug of war.
David Kell
Intentionally Working Not Watching
Resting Not Striving - Jessica Kell
Jessica began our new series Intentionally Pressing In and Pressing On by looking at the challenge of Resting and Not Striving
Jessica Kell
Resting Not Striving
Light Celebration- David Kell
David shared about Jesus being the Light that shines in the darkness at our brilliant Light Celebration
David Kell
Living To Please God- Sharing Meeting
To conclude our series Living To Please God- Andrew, Jean, Dave and Julia shared about how the series had challenged and impacted them
Andrew, Jean, Dave & Julia
Living To Please God Sharing Meeting
People Need People - Lynn Swart
Our good friend Lynn Swart joined with us and shared a brilliant message entitled People Need People. Lynn is the Executive Director of Newday United a organisation which is seeing incredible change i
Lynn Swart
Lynn Swart
Be Fervent- David Kell
David finishes our series Living to Please God by Looking at Pauls closing words in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-28, challenging us to Be Fervent in all circumstances
David Kell
Be Fervent
Be Kind- John Kell
John continues our series looking at living to please God by looking at Being Kind from 1 Thessalonians 5:11-15
John Kell
Be Kind
Be Ready- Diane Butterworth
Diane continued our series living to please God by looking at 1 Thess5:1-11 and following the warning to Be Ready
Diane Butterworth
Be Ready!
Be Hopeful- Jessica Kell
Jessica continues our series Living To Please God by looking at Being Hopeful and the hope we have in Jesus.
Jessica Kell
Be Hopeful
Be Loving & Hardworking - Andrew Moore
Andrew continues our series Living To Please God, looking at Being Loving and Hardworking from 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12
Andrew Moore
Be Loving & Hardworking
Be Pure- Jessica Kell
Jessica continue our series Living to Please God looking at Being Pure, especially from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
Jessica Kell
Be Pure
Promises - Graham Kell
Graham shared with us as we dedicated a child back to the Lord, about the Promises of God
Graham Kell
Being Strong in Tough Times - Ronnie Edwards
Ronnie continues our series Living To Please God by looking at Being Strong in Tough Times
Ronnie Edwards
Being Strong In Tough Times
Be Authentic- John Seddon
John continued our series Living To Please God by looking at what it means to live in a way that allows us to 'Be Authentic'
John Seddon
Be Authentic
Be Imitators of Christ- Graham Kell
Graham started our series Living to Please God, looking at we live life in light of what God has done for us, from 1 Thessalonians.
Graham Kell
Living To Please God
Intentional Forgiveness- Freda Westwood
Freda concludes our series looking at Intentional Forgiveness. Freda shared openly and honestly and challenged us to forgive like God forgives us.
Freda Westwood
Intentional Forgiveness
Intentionally Restoring Wholeness- Jessica Kell
Jessica continued our series Intentional, by looking at Intentionally Restoring Wholeness.
Jessica Kell
Intentionally Restoring Wholeness
The Dedication of Jean Seddon- John Seddon
John Seddon shared as we gathered along with Josh and Rachael to dedicate Jean Seddon back to the Lord.
John Seddon
The Dedication of Jean Seddon
Make God's Dream Your Dream- Sasha & Sara Vita
Our great friends Sasha & Sara Vitakic joined us all the way from central Serbia. Sara shared a message God had laid on her heart before Sasha shared a brief update on their work in Serbia & a message
Sasha & Sara Vitakic
Make God's Dream Your Dream
The God Who Sees You- Paul Saxon
Our friends Sarah and Paul Saxon joined us for the dedication of Sophia Grace Kell. Paul spoke to us about the God Who Sees You.
Paul Saxon
The God Who Sees You
Intentional Godly Vulnerability - John Kell
John continues our series Intentional by looking at how we can display Intentional Godly Vulnerability.
John Kell
Intentional Godly Vulnerability
Intentional Devotion-John Seddon
John challenged us to be 'Intentional' in our devotional lives. Looking at us being Deliberately Determined with our Daily Devotional times.
John Seddon
Intentional Devotion
Intentionally Going After The One- Chris Lane
Chris & Esther Lane along with their children, joined us from Langworthy. Chris shared brilliant about Intentionally Going After The One. Chris & Esther lead LCC & Chris is a lecture at St. Mellitus
Chris Lane
Intentionally Going After The One
Intentionally Building For The Future - David Kell
David continued our series looking at being Intentional, by looking at Intentionally building for the future, and challenging us to respond to God's call to invest in people
David Kell
Intentionally Building For The Future
SIT - Marion White
Our friends Marion and Rob White joined us and Marion spoke brilliantly regarding the word SIT from Ephesians
Marion White
Sit Ephesians
Intentionally being Church- Graham Kell
Graham continued our series Intentional by looking at being in and involved in the church community
Graham Kell
Intentionally being in & involved in Church
Intentionally Serving - Ronnie Edwards
Ronnie continues our series Intentional as he looks at what it means to Intentionally Serve, following the example of Jesus and how he served those he came into to contact with
Ronnie Edwards
Intentionally Serving
The Dedication of Eleanor Close- John Kell
John Kell spoke at the dedication of Eleanor Close looking at what it means to be a Child of God.
John Kell
Being a Child of God
Easter Sunday- Jessica Kell
Jessica unpacks Easter for us. Looking at the Intentional acts carried out by God which changed History forever
Jessica Kell
Easter Sunday
Good Friday -Graham Kell
Graham unpacks the good Friday message for us.
Graham Kell
Good Friday
Intentionally Showing Grace- Andrew Moore
Andrew continues our series Intentional, by looking at what it means to Intentionally show grace.
Andrew Moore
Intentionally Showing Grace
Being Intentional- David Kell
David introduces our new series Intentional. Looking at Being Intentional following God's heart to be Intentional.
David Kell
Being Intentional
The good God and His Kingdom- Graham Kell
Graham concludes our series such a good God by looking at the good God who wants to use us to build his Kingdom.
Graham Kell
Good God who wants to use us to build His kingdom
The good God who Brings Encouragement-John Seddon
John continues our series Such a Good God by looking at The Good God who calls us to encourage others
John Seddon
The good God who calls us to Encourage Others
Counting Stars- Dave Glover
Our friends Dave and Sue Glover joined us from Killingworth and Dave spoke about Counting Stars a brilliant message well worth listening too.
Dave Glover
Counting Stars
The Good God Who Restores Dignity - Andrew Moore
Andrew continues our series- Such a Good God by looking at The Good God Who Restores Dignity and Value
Andrew Moore
The Good God Who Restores Dignity and Value
Good God Brings Life & Renewal -Diane Butterworth
Diane continues our series looking at the good God who brings Life and Renewal when there is Fear and despair. Looking at the life of Elijah Diane shows how the good God brings Life and Renewal
Diane Butterworth
The Good God Who Brings Life & Renewal from Fear
The Good God Who is With Us- David Kell
David continues our Series such a Good God by looking at the God who is with us in every season of life
David Kell
The Good God Who Is With Us In Every Season
The Good God Who Never Gives Up- Jessica Kell
Jessica continues at looking at the goodness of God by looking at- The Good God who never gives up on us and focusing on God's interaction with Jacob
Jessica Kell
The Good God Who Never Gives Up On Us
The Good Counsellor- Freda Westwood
Freda continues our series looking at the Goodness of God by looking at the Holy Spirit the Good Counsellor
Freda Westwood
The Good Counsellor- The Holy Spirit
The Good Shepherd - Graham Kell
Graham looks at Jesus- The Good Shepherd
Graham Kell
Jesus The Good Shepherd
The Good Good Father- Keith Wadhams
Keith continued our series such a good good God by looking at the Good Good Father
Keith Wadhams
The Good Good Father
God is Good- John Kell
John started our new series looking at the Goodness of God by looking at how God is Good.
John Kell
God Is Good
Vision 2019- INTENTIONAL
Graham and Jessica shared the vision for 2019. Intentionally Growing In Our Love For Jesus, Intentionally Growing In Our Love For People, and Building Intentionally for Future Growth
Graham and Jessica Kell
2019 Intentional
Who Do You Think You Are - Andrew Gill
Andrew Gill Shared a message asking the question Who Do You Think You Are?
Andrew Gill
Who Do You Think You Are?
A Rejoicing and Thankful Heart- Jessica Kell
Jessica continues our series looking at the heart. focusing on having a Rejoicing and Thankful Heart.
Jessica Kell
A Rejoicing and Thankful Heart
A Heart For The World- Graham Kell
Graham concluded our series on Christmas Day by looking at having a Heart For The World.
Graham Kell
A Heart For The World
An Undivided Heart- John Seddon
John continues our series on the Heart by looking at having an Undivided Heart. It's a great talk and well worth a listen!
John Seddon
An Undivided Heart
Men & Women After God's Heart- David Kell
David continues our series looking at the heart by looking at what it means to be men and women after his heart
David Kell
Men & Women After God's Heart
Guard Your Heart- Jessica Kell
Jessica continues our series looking at the heart by talking about how are can Guard Our Heart.
Jessica Kell
Guard Your Heart
A Repentent and Surrendered Heart- Andrew Moore
Andrew continues our series looking at the heart by exploring what it means to have a Repentant and Surrendered Heart.
Andrew Moore
A Repentant and Surrendered Heart
Keeping a Soft Heart- Graham Kell
Graham continues our series looking at the Heart by urging us to Keep Our Hearts Soft, and avoiding the trap of becoming Hard Hearted.
Graham Kell
Keeping a Soft Heart
Light and Darkness- Dave Bagley
Our friend Dave Bagley shared all about Light and Darkness at our 2018 Light Celebration
Dave Bagley
Light Celebration 2018
What Is The Heart?- John Kell
John started our series about the Heart by exploring what is meant by the heart.
John Kell
What Is The Heart?
Extravagant Acts Of Worship- David Kell
David looked at the whole area of Extravagant Acts of Worship, and how our response to God should be Extravagant
David Kell
Extravagant Worship
Keeping Our Passion For Jesus Alive- John Seddon
John shared about keeping our passion for Jesus alive and how we continue to grow in our love and passion for him.
John Seddon
Keeping Our Passion For Jesus Alive
Ever Felt Down Hearted? - Rob White
Our friends Rob and Marion White joined us from Wilmslow and Rob shared looking at how we respond to feeling down hearted
Rob White
Feeling Down Hearted Psalm 33
Keeping Your Eyes Fixed on God- Graham Kell
Graham shared about keeping our eyes fixed on God
Graham Kell
Keeping Your Eyes Fixed on God
Celebration- Lynn Swart 080718
Our friend Lynn Swart joined us on 8th July looking at the Wedding in Canaan. Lynn runs a charity called New Day United https://www.newdayunited.org/ZA/
Lynn Swart
Celebration- John 2
Sharing Meeting- Ephesians and Revelation
Diane Butterworth, Dave Hall, Gillian Darlington, Christine Hall and Graham Butterworth share with us regarding how God has spoken to them from the recent teaching series at King's.
Diane, Dave, Gillian, Christine and Graham
Sharing Meeting- Ephesians and Revelation
Ephesians 6 - David Kell
David concludes our series in Ephesians looking at Ephesians 6 and how Jesus equips and empowers us for Living.
David Kell
Jesus equips and empowers us for living
Growing In Your Encounters With God- Lillian Mwila
Our dear friend Lillian Mwila visited us from Zambia. Joseph and Lillian have been friends of King's for Decades and Pastor the Daysprings churches in Zambia along with New Frontiers in Africa. Li
Lillian Mwila
Growing In Your Encounters With God
Ephesians 5- John Seddon
John continues our series on Ephesians looking at how Jesus calls us to walk in the Light.
John Seddon
Jesus calls us to walk in the Light
Ephesians 4 - Keith Wadhams
Keith continues our series looking at Ephesians and the Uniqueness of Jesus. Looking at how Jesus is Lord of the Church and brings growth and maturity.
Keith Wadhams
Jesus Lord of the church, brings growth & maturity
Ephesians 3 -Jessica Kell
Jessica continues our series looking at the Uniqueness of Jesus from Ephesians. Jessica looks at Ephesians 3
Jessica Kell
Ephesians 3
Ephesians 2- Freda Westwood.mp3
Freda continues our series looking at the uniqueness of Jesus and our faith by looking at Ephesians 2 and how Jesus makes us alive, reconciled and with new purpose!
Freda Westwood
Jesus makes us alive, reconciled &with new purpose
Ephesians 1- Andrew Moore
Andrew begins our series looking at the Uniqueness of Jesus and our faith by looking at Ephesians 1 and how Jesus Lavishes Heaven's Blessing On us
Andrew Moore
Jesus Lavishes Heaven's Blessing On us
Be Hot - Graham and Jessica Kell
Graham and Jessica finish the series by looking at the message to the Church in Laodicea
Graham and Jessica Kell
Be Hot: The Church at Laodicea
A Church That Is Steadfast- David Kell
David continues our series looking at the messages to the seven Churches in Revelation and the message to the church at Philadelpha and the call to be Steadfast
David Kell
The Church at Philadelphia
The Uncomprising Church -Graham Kell
Graham continues our series in Revelation, looking at how the Lord is looking for an uncompromising Church
Graham Kell
The Uncompromising Church
God Has More- Dave Glover
Our friends Dave and Sue joined us from the North-East and Dave shared a great message looking at how God has more
Dave Glover
God Has More
A Church That Is Pure- John Kell
John continued our series by looking at the message to the church at Pergamum and the message of purity.
John Kell
A Church That Is Pure
Be Faithful- John Seddon
John continues our series looking at the seven churches in Revelation and looks at being faithful! And relating the message to the church at Smyrna to our goals for 2018
John Seddon
Be Faithful: The Church at Smyrna
Don't Lose Your First Love -Graham Kell
Graham starts our series, looking at the seven churches at the start of Revelation and the message that Jesus has for those Seven churches. The aim of the series is to see what the messages to the sev
Graham Kell
Don't Lose Your First Love
Extra Ordinary Living- Sharing Meeting
Les Ashworth, Andrea Longson, Dave Darlington and Donna Clare all shared as we reflect on what we have learned so far through the Extra Ordinary Living Series.
Les, Andrea, Dave & Donna
Extra Ordinary Living Sharing Meeting
What Does Your Name Mean?- David Kell
David shared about Names, as we gathered to dedicate Reuben back to the Lord.
David Kell
What Does Your Name Mean?
How We Treat Ourselves- Keith Wadhams
Keith continues our series Extra Ordinary Living by looking at how we treat ourselves.
Keith Wadhams
How We Treat Ourselves
Extra Ordinary Living Treating Others- John Seddon
John continues our series Extra Ordinary Living by looking at how we treat each other.
John Seddon
Extra Ordinary Living: Treating Others
Good Friday- Andrew Moore
Andrew unpacks the events and accounts of Good Friday
Andrew Moore
Good Friday
Mind, Will, Emotion- John Seddon
John continues our series looking at Extra Ordinary Living with regards to our Mind, Will and Emotions.
John Seddon
Extra Ordinary Living: Mind, Will, Emotion
Extra Ordinary Living Investing Time- Graham Kell
Graham continues our series Extra Ordinary Living, by looking at how we invest our time.
Graham Kell
Extra Ordinary Living : Investing Time
Extra Ordinary Living: Money - David Kell
David continues our series Extra Ordinary Living by looking at the whole area of Money and Possessions
David Kell
Extra Ordinary Living: Money
Extra Ordinary Living at Home- Jessica Kell
Jessica continued our series Extra Ordinary by looking at life at home. She is joined by both Josh Guest and Debbie Graham as they share some experiences from their homes.
Jessica Kell
Extra Ordinary Living at Home
Extra Ordinary Living at Work- Rod Fairbrother
Rod and Margaret Fairbrother joined us as we started our Extra-Ordinary series from Romans 12, looking at the topic of work. Rod and Margaret have been friends with King's since the beginning
Rod Fairbrother
Extra Ordinary Living at Work
Building For Future Growth- John Kell
John concludes out our vision series by looking at the third of our 3 goals for the year: A Church Building For Future Growth.
John Kell
Building For Future Growth
Growing in Our Love for People- David Kell
David continues our series looking at our goals for 2018 by looking at the second of our goals- A Church Growing In It's Love For People.
David Kell
A Church Growing In It's Love for People
Samuel Close Dedication- John Kell
John spoke at the dedication of Samuel Close, sharing from the account of Samuels dedication by Hannah in the book of 1 Samuel
John Kell
Growing In Our Love For Jesus- Graham Kell
Graham looks at the first of our goals for 2018 - Being a Church That Is Growing In It's Love For Jesus
Graham Kell
A Church That Is Growing In It's Love For Jesu
Jonah- Marion White
Our great friends Rob and Marion White from Life Church Wilmslow joined us. Marion shared brilliantly with us from the story of Jonah.
Marion White
Enoch Walked with God - Graham Kell
As well as sharing about the vision for 2018 Graham shared a brief message about Enoch and how he walked with God.
Graham Kell
Enoch Walked With God
Vision Sunday 2018 - Jessica & Graham Kell
Jessica and Graham recapped on the goals for 2017 and outlined the Vision and Goals for 2018
Jessica & Graham Kell
Vision Sunday 2018
Fulfilment: - Diane Butterworth
Diane concluded our series looking at Christmas from different perspectives by looking at Jesus being the Fulfilment of God's plan
Diane Butterworth
Jesus Fulfils God's plan
Why did Jesus Live? - Jessica Kell
Jessica spoke at our Christmas Day gathering looking at the life of Jesus.
Jessica Kell
Christmas Extravaganza - Dave Shore
Our friend Dave Shore joined us for our Christmas Extravaganza at Dobbies on the 21st December. Dave shares all about his journey to finding Jesus and how Jesus has changed his life.
Dave Shore
Christmas Extravaganzas
Mary and Joseph - Sarah Close
Sarah continues our series looking at Christmas from different perspectives and focuses in on Mary and Joseph and how the arrival of Jesus affected them.
Sarah Close
Perspectives On Christmas: Mary and Joseph
Zachariah and Elizabeth - Graham Kell
Graham begins are series Perspectives on Christmas by looking at the events surround the first Christmas events, from the perspective of Zachariah and Elizabeth.
Graham Kell
Perspectives On Christmas: Zachariah and Elizabeth
Jesus and Peter - Freda Westwood
Freda concludes our series on following on the footsteps of Jesus by looking at two incidents from the life of Peter.
Freda Westwood
Jesus and Peter
Jesus shows Humanity & the Miraculous-Jessica Kell
Jessica continues our series on following on the footsteps of Jesus, looking at the story of Lazarus and how Jesus shows humanity and the miraculous during these events.
Jessica Kell
Jesus shows Humanity & the Miraculous
Light Night - John Kell
John spoke brilliantly at our UV light Night. Explaining how Jesus is the Light of the World and how he calls us to be the Light of The World too
John Kell
Jesus the Light of The World
Determination - John Seddon
John continues our series looking at walking in the footsteps of Jesus by looking at the determination Jesus had to follow God's will and not his own.
John Seddon
Eating With Sinners- Andrew Moore
Andrew continues our series on following in the footsteps of Jesus looking at how Jesus eats with Sinners and what this teaches us and how we can emulate this in the world today
Andrew Moore
Eating With Sinners
The Woman Caught In Adultery- Graham Kell
Graham continues our series Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus by looking at the story of the Woman Caught In Adultery. Graham explores what we can learn from this story.
Graham Kell
The Woman Caught In Adultery
Revelation- Lynn Swart
Our dear friend Lynn Swart joined us for the day and shared on Revelation as well as updating us on the wonderful work carried out by New Day International- the charity she is the CEO of.
Lynn Swart
Jesus Calms The Storm- Keith Wadhams
Keith continues our series by looking at Jesus calming the storm and looking at how we can learn from this event.
Keith Wadhams
Jesus Calms The Storm
Jesus Breaks Through Culture - Sarah Close
Sarah continues our series on following in the footsteps of Jesus by looking at how Jesus breaks through culture, by homing in on the Woman at the Well.
Sarah Close
Jesus Breaks Through Culture
Washing The Disciples Feet- David Kell
David starts our series walking in the footsteps of Jesus and looks at the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet and how we can walk in the footsteps of Jesus.
David Kell
Washing The Disciples Feet
GUARD - Jessica Kell
Jessica shares what God has placed on her heart exploring the subject of Guarding your Heart.
Jessica Kell
Power Rangers - Dave Glover
Our great friends Dave and Sue Glover joined us all week running our summer kids club around the theme of Power Rangers. Dave shared all around this theme on the Sunday.
Dave Glover
Power Rangers
Courage - John Kell
John shares all about Courage and taking courage.
John Kell
An Attitude of Gratitude- Graham Kell
Graham shares with us about having an An Attitude of Gratitude and how thankfulness ought to be a huge part of our lives as Christians
Graham Kell
An Attitude of Gratitude
Jonah - Sarah Close
Sarah shares from the story of Jonah and looks at how God would challenge us from Jonah's story.
Sarah Close
Baptism in the Holy Spirit - John Seddon
John shares with us about the difference being filled with the Holy Spirit made on his life and how the Holy Spirit changes us.
John Seddon
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
5 Keys To Happiness - Sara & Sasha Vitakic
Sara and Sasha Vitakic have been friends of King's for over 30 years. They came to share with us and update us on there work in central Serbia with Light Of The Gospel Ministries. Sasha then share
Sara & Sasha Vitakic
25-Jun-2017 10:30
5 Keys To Happiness
Relationships with Strangers -John Seddon
John concludes our series on relationships by looking at Relationships with Strangers
John Seddon
Relationships with Strangers
Friendships - David Kell
David continues our series on relationships looking at friendships, from Ruth.
David Kell
Relationships in the Family - Jessica Kell
Jessica shares brilliantly about Relationships with in the Family, looking closely at the story of Ruth and Naomi.
Jessica Kell
Relationships in the Family
Relationship with God - Andrew Moore
Andrew begins our series on Relationships by looking at our Relationship with God and what we can learn about this from the book of Ruth
Andrew Moore
Relationship With God
From The Shallow into the Deep - Nick Duffy
Nicky and Becky Duffy joined us with there two daughters as Nick shared from Luke 5 looking at the disciples call.
Nick Duffy
From The Shallow into the Deep
Praying, Believing and Receiving with Authority
John finishes our series on Healing looking at Praying, believing and receiving with authority
John Kell
Praying, Believing and Receiving with Authority
Easter Sunday - Andrew Moore
Andrew Moore shared on Easter Sunday as Catherine, Anika and Gary got Baptisted.
Andrew Moore
Easter Sunday
Healing through the cross -Diane Butterworth.mp3
Diane continues our series on Healing, on Good Friday looking at Healing through the cross
Diane Butterworth
Healing Through The Cross
Ultimate Final Healing - Graham Kell
Graham continues our series on Healing looking at Ultimate Final Healing and sharing on life after death.
Graham Kell
9-Apr-2017 10:00
Ultimate Final Healing
Unsung Heros - Dave Glover
Our friends Dave and Sue Glover joined us from Killingworth, where they are part of Community Church Killingworth. Dave shared with us all about Unsung Heroes such as Edward Kimball, Mr Genor, Marjori
Dave Glover
Unsung Heroes
Why we don't always see healing like we expect
Jessica continues our series about healing by looking at the tough question- Why we don't always see healing like we expect. A brilliant talk which is extremely challenging.
Jessica Kell
Healing: Body, Soul and Spirit - John Seddon
John continues our series on Healing looking all about Body, Soul and Spirit and how God wants to Heal our whole person. No area should we withhold from the Lord for Healing.
John Seddon
Body, Soul and Spirit
Healing - David Kell
David starts our new series all about Healing. David tries to explain what healing is and lay a foundation for the rest of the series.
David Kell
Courage not Compromise - Freda Westwood
Freda concludes our series Continuous Work-Out looking at Courage not Compromise.
Freda Westwood
Courage Not Compromise
Honour Not Dishonour - Keith Wadhams
Keith continues our series Continuous Work-Out and looks at Honouring not dishonouring.
Keith Wadhams
Honour not Dishonour
Faith Not Fear - David Kell
David continues our series continuous work-out and looks at how we can be a people of Faith not Fear, while also telling us about his obsession for red cars!
David Kell
Faith Not Fear
The Mind Of Christ - John Seddon
John continues our series Continuous Work Out by looking at how we have the mind of Christ.
John Seddon
The Mind of Christ
Application Not Theory - Andrew Moore
Andrew looks at how we need to apply the bible to our lives rather than just learn the theory.
Andrew Moore
Application Not Theory
Brokenness Not Pride - Ronnie Edwards
Ronnie continued our series Continuous Workout by looking at how God requires us to come broken and that actually that is a place of strength. And not to become a proud people
Ronnie Edwards
29-Jan-2017 10:00
Brokenness Not Pride
Continuous Work-Out - Jessica Kell
Jessica begins our series looking at working out our salvation from Philippians 2 v12 & 13. Jessica lays a great foundation for this series.
Jessica Kell
22-Jan-2017 10:30
Continuous Work-Out
Dreams and Visions - John Kell
John brilliantly shared about dreams and visions. A brilliant message well worth a listen
John Kell
Dreams and Vision
Sharing on Faith in Action
On New Years Day Barbara Hartwell, Gwen Wadhams, Adam Rostron and Richard Kell shared about the Faith In Action Blog had impacted them.
Barbara, Gwen, Adam and Richard
Faith In Action- James through November
For We See Jesus - Graham Kell
Graham shared on Christmas day from Hebrews We see Jesus made just a little lower than the Angels
Graham Kell
For We See Jesus
Debt, Father Christmas, Christmas Tree -David Kell
David shared at our Morning Carol Service about Debt, Father Christmas, Christmas Trees, Family and Christmas Parties.
David Kell
Debt, Father Christmas, Christmas Trees & Family
Confident Expectation - Ronnie Edwards
Ronnie shared on confident expectation and how as God people we have this amazing hope.
Ronnie Edwards
Confident Expectation
Let Faith Arise - David Kell
David shares on Let Faith Arise, inspired by the verses in Mark 9 Lord I believe, help my unbelief.
David Kell
Let Faith Arise
Unshakeable Faith - Jessica Kell
Jessica shares a great message all about unshakeable faith!
Jessica Kell
Unshakeable Faith
God's Promises - Andrew Moore
Andrew shares all bout God's promises from Hebrews
Andrew Moore
God's Promises
How Great Is Our God - Graham Kell
Graham shares a brilliant message showing How Great Our God is
Graham Kell
How Great Is Our God
Rob and Marion White
Our friends Rob and Marion White joined us and shared about Kairos Moments. Rob and Marion are great friends of ours and lead a new church plant in Wilmslow
Rob and Marion White
Kairos Moment
Who are you following? - Jessica Kell
Jessica asked us who are we following, on the morning Steve, Rebekah and Liz got baptised. Jess challenged us to follow Jesus and not all kinds of other things.
Jessica Kell
Who are you following?
The Meaning of Life - Sarah Close
Sarah looks at The Meaning of Life from the eyes of the wisest person who lived Solomon
Sarah Close
The Meaning of Life
Powerhouse Sunday - Ronnie Edwards
Ronnie speaks as we celebrate Powerhouse Sunday our Sunday to celebrate the progress of our children.
Ronnie Edwards
Powerhouse Sunday 2016
Hospitality - John Kell
John passionately unpacks the topic of Hospitality bringing a challenging message looking at how Jesus defines Hospitality and what that looks like in our lives
John Kell
Andrew Moore- I am the Vine
Andrew finishes our series by looking at the final I Am statement of Jesus. I am the Vine.
Andrew Moore
I am the Vine
Dave Glover- Christ the redeemer
Our friends Dave and Sue Glover joined us for our BL3 Holiday club, Dave then shared with us about Christ the Redeemer.
Dave Glover
Christ the redeemer
Freda Westwood- I am the Way, Truth and Life
Freda shares with us on the day of Styler Keyworths dedication. Freda finishes our series on the seven I am statements of Jesus
Freda Westwood
21-Aug-2016 10:00
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
Ronnie Edwards- I am the Bread of Life
Ronnie brings a great message unpacking the statement I am the bread of life
Ronnie Edwards
I am the Bread of Life
Diane Butterworth- I am the Light of the World
Diane looks at I am the light of the world
Diane Butterworth
I am the Light of the World
John Seddon
Sarah Close- I Am
Sarah starts our series at looking at the I Am statements of Jesus as we look to discover who Jesus says he is.
Sarah Close
I Am
Lynn Swart- Life on the mountain
Our friend Lynn Swart was with us on 10th July and shared about life on the mountain with Jesus. Lynn runs a charity called New Day international based in South Africa and brings an update on the prog
Lynn Swart
Life on the mountain
John Kell- Life and Victory
John concludes our series on Life, Love and Light by looking at how we have life and victory in Jesus, challenging us to eb all we can be
John Kell
Life and Victory
Graham Kell- True or False
Graham continues our series on Light, Love and Life from John's first letter and looks at the whole topic of True or False, looking at false teaching.
Graham Kell
True or False
David Kell- Love Does
David looks at Love Does as we continue our series on Love, Life and Light
David Kell
Love Does
John Seddon- Grave Warnings
John continues our series on Light, Love and Life looking at the whole area of grave warnings.
John Seddon
Grave Warnings
Ronnie Edwards- The Proof of Our Love
Ronnie continues our series on 1 John and looks at the proof of our love.
Ronnie Edwards
The Proof of Our Love
Graham Kell- Light and Love
Graham begins our series on Light, Love and Life by looking at Light and Love, from 1 John 1.
Graham Kell
Light and Love
Rob White- Teach Us To Pray
Rob and Marion White where with us on Sunday 15th May and Rob shared with us all about Prayer from his new book Teach us to pray. Rob and Marion have been good friends of King's for nearly ten yea
Rob White
Teach Us To Pray
Rod Fairbrother- Keep On Praying
Our friend's Rodney and Margaret joined us for the week as Rodney shared about Keep on Praying. Rodney shared lots of brilliant truths about prayer and encouraged us to keep on praying
Rod Fairbrother
Keep On Praying
Keith Wadhams- Praying Together
Keith looks at what it means to pray, what it means to pray together and what it looks like.
Keith Wadhams
Praying Together
Dave Glover- Zacchaeus
Our friend Dave Glover spoke to us about Zacchaeus and the lessons we can learn from his encounter with Jesus. Dave and Sue are brilliant friends of us at King's, they have been our friends since
Dave Glover
Freda Westwood- Praying like Jesus
Freda continues our series looking at praying like Jesus.
Freda Westwood
Praying like Jesus
Sarah Close- God is Able
Sarah looks at how God is Able as we start to focus on Prayer and how this is a huge foundation of everything we do and a huge key to growing in God
Sarah Close
God is Able
John Kell- Growing Beyond Limitations
John looks at how God wants us to grow beyond our limits. Our God is the God of the impossible. A God who is limitless and with who all things are possible
John kell
Growing Beyond Limitations
John Seddon- Easter Sunday
John shares on easter Sunday after 7 of our church are baptised
John Seddon
Easter Sunday
Ronnie Edwards- Growth For The Sake Of The World
Ronnie looks at the reason we want to grow- for the sake of the world. Ronnie unpacks the idea of how we should share the good news of Jesus as it can change lives
Ronnie Edwards
Growth For The Sake Of The World
Graham Kell- Growth
Graham shares his thoughts about growth as Matthew is dedicated.
Graham Kell
Jessica Kell- Ingredients For Growth
Jessica continues our series on Growth and looks what are the ingredients for growing both in our walks with God and as a church
Jessica Kell
Ingredients For Growth
John Seddon- Growing From Assurance to Purpose
John looks at how we can go from that assurance of eternal life into a life full of purpose, a life walking in the fullness of God.
John Seddon
28-Feb-2016 10:30
Growing From Assurance to Purpose
David Kell- A Heart To Grow
David starts our new series looking at Growth. As a church we believe that 2016 is a year of Going for Growth, this series is about unpacking what Growth looks like and how we practically make it happ
David Kell
A Heart To Grow
John Kell- Generosity
John unpacks one of our values as a church as he looks at Generosity. John provides us with real challenge regarding Generosity and how it's a way of life.
John Kell
Graham Kell- God Knows Everything
Graham completes our series on walking with God and looks at How God knows everything from Psalm139.
Graham Kell
God Knows Everything- Psalm 139
Diane Butterworth
Benefits Package
Graham and Jessica Kell
Graham and Jessica share with us the Goals we have as a church for 2016.
Graham and Jessica Kell
Goals 2016
Rachel Hickson
Our friends Rachel Hickson and Helen Azar from Heartcry share with us about Good Resolutions- Great Rewards. A message not to be missed
Rachel Hickson
Good Resolutions- Great Rewards!
Rachel Hickson- Session 2
Our friends Rachel Hickson and Helen Azar from Heartcry joined us for Beautiful Intervention our ladies event.
Rachel Hickson- Session 2
Beautiful Intervention
Rachel Hickson- Session 1
Our friends Rachel Hickson and Helen Azar from Heartcry joined us for Beautiful Intervention our ladies event. Looking at intercession
Rachel Hickson- Session 1
Beautiful Intervention
Sarah Close
Mighty God
Graham Kell
Everlasting Father
Jessica Kell
Wonderful Counsellor
David Kell
David looks at how God is looking for a repentant heart and how that shapes our walk with God
David Kell
God is looking for a repentant heart
Freda Westwood
Freda Continues our series on walking with God looking at the Psalms
Freda Westwood
Walking with God
John Seddon
John continues our series look at walking with God through Psalm 23.
John Seddon
Walking with God- Psalm23
Keith Wadhams
Keith continues looking at how we walk with God through the Psalms
Keith Wadhams
Walking With God
Graham Kell
Graham starts us off with our new series all about walking with God and looking at how we walk with God
Graham Kell
Walking with God
Rob White
Our friend Rob White spoke as John, Sarah and David became part of the senior leadership team.
Ro White
Leadership Lessons
Rob Coleman
Our friend Rob Coleman from Bolton Family Church was with us on Sunday to share with us about God being at Work. Rob is the Senior Leader of Bolton Family Church
Rob Coleman
20-Sep-2015 10:30
God At Work
Powerhouse Sunday-Ronnie Edwards
Ronnie spoke to us on Powerhouse Sunday 2015 about the parable of the sower. Ronnie is the Senior Leader responsible for the oversight of the children's work here at King's.
Ronnie Edwards
The Parable Of The Sower
Lynn Swart
Lynn has become a friend of our's at King's over the last few years, in June 2014 she came to speak at one of our Ladies days and shared her heart for New Day - A charity she leads based in h
Lynne Swart
New Visions
Graham Kell
Graham shares with us around the topic of does God speak to us today and if he does how?
Graham Kell
30-Aug-2015 10:00
Does God speak today? And if so how?
Dave Glover
Dave and Sue are some of the churches oldest friends, they were a key part of the church forming in 1982. Dave and Sue had helped run our holiday club in the week running up to this message.
Dave Glover
23-Aug-2015 10:00
Diane Butterworth
Diane continued our series looking at the power of the name of Jesus.
Diane Butterworth
Sarah Close
Sarah continues our series looking at the fearless life of Stephen and how the Holy Spirit empowered Stephen to live.
Sarah Close
2-Aug-2015 10:30
Fearless Stephen Suffers In The Name of Jesus
Keith Wadhams
Keith continues our series looking at how Growth brings change and often opposition.
Keith Wadhams
26-Jul-2015 10:30
Growth Brings Change
Ronnie Edwards
Ronnie looks at being Gracious. This is one of our Values here at King's. He shares from his heart and looks at what it means to be gracious. He also tells us about a daz advert he filmed at the T
Ronnie Edwards
Sasha Vitakic
Our friends Sasha and Sara Vitakic came to speak to us all the way from central Serbia. Sasha and Sara have been friends of King's for many years and lead a church in Central Serbia.
Sasha Vitakic
Overcoming a Fear of Rejection and Failure
David Kell
David Continues our series and looks at honouring the Name of Jesus
David Kell
5-Jul-2015 10:30
Honouring the Name of Jesus
John Kell
John passionately communicates his message on how we can Standing firm in Jesus, looking at how the early church did this in Acts 4.
John Kell
28-Jun-2015 10:30
Standing Firm in The Name of Jesus
John Seddon
Healing In the Name of Jesus
Graham Kell
United in Jesus
Jessica Kell
The Saving Name of Jesus
John Seddon
31-May-2015 10:00
Power Of The Spirit
Rob White
Our friends Rob and Marion White joined us as Rob shares on the Promise of the Spirit. Rob and Marion have been involved in Christian leadership for decades and currently lead a new church in Wilmslow
Rob White
24-May-2015 10:30
The Promise of The Spirit
Graham Kell
Graham looks at the Ascension and what it actually means for us today.
Graham Kell
The Ascension
Andrew Moore
Andrew covers another one of our values as a church as he speaks about generosity.
Andrew Moore
Values - Generosity
Graham Kell
Graham continues looking from Hebrews looking at relationships
Graham Kell
Ronnie Edwards
Ronnie continues our series on Sonship and Discipline. He's a Diamond.
Ronnie Edwards
19-Apr-2015 10:30
Sonship and Discipline
Andrew Moore
Andrew looks at Discipleship which is one of our values here at King's. Our Values are behaviour traits that we believe od has Called us to have as a church.
Andrew Moore
12-Apr-2015 10:30
Values - Discipleship
Graham Kell
Graham continues our series looking at throwing off disappointment
Graham Kell
Dealing with disappointment
Jessica Kell
Jessica Kell looks at Being Difference Makers, this is one of our values at King's and is part of our DNA.
Jessica Kell
22-Mar-2015 10:30
Values - Difference Makers
John Seddon
John continues our series looking at throwing off fear and allowing us to live life to the full.
John Seddon
15-Mar-2015 10:30
Throwing Off Fear
David Kell
Throwing off Distractions. Run with Perseverance
John Kell
John continues our series looking at throwing off Temptation
John Kell
1-Mar-2015 10:30
Handling Temptation
Freda Westwood
22-Feb-2015 10:30
Throwing Off Unforgiveness
John Seddon
During this series of casting off everything that might hinder us we will also be looking at some of the values at King's. This is the first of those values.
John Seddon
Values: Devoted Christ his Church and One Another
Sarah Close
Sarah continues our series looking at Throwing Off Insignificance- Please note the sound quality isn't very good due to technical difficulties
Sarah Close
Throwing Off Insignificance
Dave Glover
Dave shares with us the wonder of our genealogy!
Dave Glover
who do you think you are?
Ronnie Edwards
Throwing off Insecurity - Secure in Christ