A church at the heart of our community
Below you can find our Sunday Sermons. Use the search function to look for specific sermons on a particular topic
Trust and Reliance on God
Nicholas brings us a look into the beginning of Jesus' ministry, and having complete trust and reliance on God. Isaiah 43:1-7; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
Nicholas Lebey
12-Jan-2025 10:00
Ken brings us our last sermon of 2024, looking at what Luke is trying to tell us about Jesus' childhood, asking questions and waiting for answers. Luke 2:41-52; 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26
Ken Lowes
29-Dec-2024 10:00
Christmas Day - A Gift from Jesus
Merry Christmas! Nicholas reflects on the tradition on gift-giving, and how Jesus is the greatest gift ever given. Luke 2.1-14, 15-20
Rev. Nicholas Lebey
25-Dec-2024 10:00
Advent - Rejoice
Nicholas continues our Advent season with a sermon based on our rejoice in the Lord at this time of year. Micah 5:2-5a; Luke 1:39-45 46-55
Rev. Nicholas Lebey
22-Dec-2024 10:00
Encountering God
Eli Brill and Kerry Cressey lead us in an encounter with God. Zephaniah 3:14-end; Luke 3:7-18
Eli and Kerry - Bethel Church
15-Dec-2024 10:00
Encountering God
Advent - Turn to the Lord
Nicholas continues our Advent season, looking at John the Baptist and his role in preparing people to Turn to the Lord. Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 3:1-6
Rev. Nicholas Lebey
8-Dec-2024 10:00
Advent - Hope
Becky opens our Advent season, looking at the hope we have for the God-given promises for the future. Jeremiah 33:14-16
Becky Whiting
1-Dec-2024 10:00
Answering God's Call - Repent and Believe
Daniel brings us a look into answering God's call, from both the Old and New Testament, and how it impacts us today. Jonah 3:1-5,10; Mark 1:14-20
Daniel Raybould
10-Nov-2024 10:00
Repent and Believe
Where is Your Heart?
Nicholas looks into the topic of Where is your heart? Job 23:1-9, 16-end; Mark 10:17-31
Rev. Nicholas Lebey
13-Oct-2024 10:00
Where is Your Heart
Encounter - Prayer
Tune in to our guest speaker, Rev. Bart Erlebach of Emmanuel Church Tolworth, as he delves into the topic of prayer, its importance, and how we can make it a staple part of our daily faith. Luke 18: 1
Rev. Bart Erlebach
Take up Your Cross
Tune in as Becky delves into the phrase take up your cross, what it means in todays society, and what the Bible can teach us on an important aspect of our journey of faith. Isaiah 50.4-9a; Mark 8.27-e
Becky Whiting
15-Sep-2024 10:00
Rev. Nicholas Lebey brings us a sermon talking about Healing, and how the Bible discusses this topic. Mark 7:24-end; Isaiah 35:4-7
Rev. Nicholas Lebey
8-Sep-2024 10:00
God looks on the heart
Rachel brings us our All-Age sermon: While man looks on the outside, God looks on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7; Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Rachel Whitelaw
1-Sep-2024 10:00
The Lords Prayer - Lead us not into temptation
We continue our series on The Lord's Prayer, as Rev'd Nicholas delivers on the lines: Lead us not in temptation, but deliver us from evil. Luke 4:1-4; Ephesians 6:10-13
Rev. Nicholas Lebey
21-Jul-2024 10:00
The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer - Forgive us our sins
Eli and Kerry, from Bethel Church California visit us today and continue our series into The Lord's Prayer. Today we look at Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Matthew 6:1
Eli and Kerry - Bethel Church
14-Jul-2024 10:00
The Lord's Prayer
Encounter - Praise to the God of all Comfort
As part of our Encounter event, guest speaker Rev. Solomon Ekiyor brings us his testimony, trusting in and listening to God during our troubles, and the comfort he brings us. 2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Rev. Solomon Ekiyor
30-Jun-2024 17:00
The Lord's Prayer - Your Will be Done
Nicholas continues our series on The Lord's Prayer, looking at Your Will be Done and it's significance in our lives. Genesis 1:31; 2:1, Isaiah 11: 7-9
Rev. Nicholas Lebey
30-Jun-2024 10:00
The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer - Thy Kingdom Come
Becky continues our series on The Lord's Prayer, looking at Thy Kingdom Come and it's significance throughout the Bible. Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 13:44-46
Becky Whiting
23-Jun-2024 10:00
The Lord's Prayer
90th Birthday - Celebration
Happy 90th Birthday to St Georges! Rev'd Nicholas Lebey reflects on the history of St Georges over the years, the changes it's gone through, and the strength and faith of those who have worshi
Rev. Nicholas Lebey
16-Jun-2024 10:00
The Lords Prayer - Intro
Becky introduces our next Sermon Series: Looking through The Lords Prayer. In this introduction we look at how Jesus teachs us to pray. Matthew 6:5-15
Becky Whiting
2-Jun-2024 10:00
Lords Prayer
Parish Weekend - Sound
Join us on our Parish Weekend, where guest speaker and worship leader, Stephen Abley, talks to us about the significance of sound in our faith. Genesis 1:1-5
Stephen Abley
12-May-2024 10:00
Encounter - The Good Shepherd
Tune in to Rev. Canon Gary Jenkins from our Encounter event, as he brings a look into Jesus as the Good Shepherd, and how we can be ambassadors of his flock. Genesis 8:9-13; John 10:11-18
Rev. Canon Gary Jenkins
21-Apr-2024 10:00
Don't be Afraid
Nicholas continues our Easter story, looking at those well known words Do not be afraid, and what they mean for us today. Luke 24: 36-48; Zephaniah 3:14-20
Nicholas Lebey
14-Apr-2024 10:00
All Age - Holy Spirit
Becky gives us a look into the Holy Spirit, and the role it plays throughout history, and leading up to Pentecost. John 20:19-23
Becky Whiting
7-Apr-2024 10:00
Holy Spirit
Easter Sunday
He is Risen, Alleluia! Join us on Easter Sunday, as Rev. Nicholas brings us a message of renewed hope and life through Jesus' resurrection. Isaiah 25:6-9; Mark 16:1-8
Nicholas Lebey
31-Mar-2024 10:00
Easter Sunday
Prayer and Fasting - Bethel Team
The team from Bethel Church join us today to lead us in worship and bring us their testimonies about prayer, and fasting, and hearing God. Isaiah 58:1-7; Matthew 6:5-15
Bethel Team
17-Mar-2024 10:00
Prayer and Fasting
Mothering Sunday
Becky looks at mothers in the Bible, and how their love, compassion, and sacrifices had lasting impacts for the world to come. Exodus 2:1-10; John 19:25-27
Becky Whiting
10-Mar-2024 10:00
Mothering Sunday
The 10 Commandents
As part of our All Age service, Rachel delves into the 10 Commandments, the rules that God gave us and their importance. Exodus 20:1-17
Rachel Whitelaw
3-Mar-2024 10:00
10 Commandents, All-Age
God is with us
As part of our All Age Service, Becky unpacks our reading today, looking at how we can be assured that God is always with us. Isaiah 40:21-31
Becky Whiting
4-Feb-2024 10:00
All Age Service
Encounter - God is for us (Part 2)
Join us for our Encounter Event with guest speaker Chris Gaul, who brings us a fresh look into the Bible and how we can be sure that God is for us. Romans 8:31-39. Part 2
Chris Gaul
28-Jan-2024 17:10
Encounter - God is for us (Part 1)
Join us for our Encounter Event with guest speaker Chris Gaul, who brings us a fresh look into the Bible and how we can be sure that God is for us. Romans 8:31-39. Part 1
Chris Gaul
28-Jan-2024 17:05
Encounter - Chris Gaul Interview
Join us for our Encounter Event. This is an interview with guest speaker Chris Gaul: Priest, Podcast Host, and Millwall FC Chaplain.
Rev. Nicholas Lebey; Chris Gaul
28-Jan-2024 17:00
Tell - Evangelism
Paul continues our series in The 5 Marks of Mission, Tell. Today we look at Pauls letter to Timothy, and the instructions and guidances he was given. 2 Timothy 4:1-8; Mark 1:1-8
Paul Tavener
28-Jan-2024 10:00
5 Marks of Mission - Tell
Tell - Coming alongside those seeking
Daniel continues our 5 Marks of Mission Series, looking at Tell - Coming alongside those seeking. Acts 8:26-40
Daniel Raybould
21-Jan-2024 10:00
5 Marks of Mission - Tell
Tell - Testimonies of God's Actions in Our Liv
Rev. Nicholas Lebey continues our Tell series about sharing the Good News of the Gospel, and how a simple invite can lead to big changes. John 4:7-39
Rev. Nicholas Lebey
14-Jan-2024 10:00
The Word Became Flesh
Paul Tavener brings us a sermon talking about Jesus, The Word made Flesh, and his importance at this Christmas period. John 1:1-18
Paul Tavener
31-Dec-2023 10:00
Rev'd Nicholas Lebey continues our Advent Season, looking at the Christingle, and the work of the Children Society. Isaiah 9:2,6; Luke 2:1-7
Nicholas Lebey
24-Dec-2023 16:00
Mary's Yes
Rachel continues our Advent Season looking at Mary's role, her faith, and her decision. Luke 1:26-38
Rachel Whitelaw
24-Dec-2023 10:00
John the Baptist
Ken brings us our teaching, looking into John the Baptist and the role he played in this Advent season. Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; John 1:6-8, 19-28
Ken Lowes
17-Dec-2023 10:00
John the Baptist
Prepare the Way
How can we Prepare the Way for Christmas? Rachel explains how John the Baptist helps us prepare for Jesus' birth. Isaiah 40:1-5; Mark 1:1-8
Rachel Whitelaw
10-Dec-2023 10:00
What is Advent? What are we waiting for? Becky opens this new season looking into what the next month means for us. Mark 13:24-37
Becky Whiting
3-Dec-2023 10:00
Bags of Gold
Rev. Luke Wickings delves into The Parable of the Bags of Gold, and how it is still relevant to our lives today. Matthew 25:14-30
Rev. Luke Wickings
19-Nov-2023 10:00
Bags of Gold
The Day of the Lord
Daniel brings us our Sermon on this Remembrance Sunday, looking at The Day of the Lord, and what it means for us today. Amos 5:18-27; Matthew 25:1-13; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Daniel Raybould
12-Nov-2023 10:00
Suffering to Glory
Ken brings us a sermon looking at Suffering to Glory. Psalm 65; Romans 8:18-25
Ken Lowes
29-Oct-2023 10:00
5 Marks of Mission - Transform
Our guest speaker, Phil Hutchinson, from Christians Against Poverty (CAP) continues our 5 Marks of Mission Series, looking at Transform, and the work CAP does with people struggling with poverty. Amos
Phil Hutchinson
22-Oct-2023 10:00
Transform Unjust Structures of Society
Encounter: Moses, Serving God
Our guest speaker, The Ven. Peter Farley-Moore (Archdeacon of Hackney) speaks to us at our Encounter Event about Moses, Encountering God, and being called to serve Him. Exodus 3:1-12
The Ven. Peter Farley-Moore
15-Oct-2023 17:00
Moses, Encountering and Serving God
Job: Suffering and Trust
Becky Whiting, our Lay Reader, brings us an in-depth discussion into the Story of Job; his suffering and ongoing trust in God. Job 2:11-13; Mark 10:46-52
Becky Whiting
15-Oct-2023 10:00
Lectionary Teaching
Ken brings us a sermon based on the Lectionary Readings: Exodus 20:1-4,7-9,12-20; Matthew 21:33-46
Ken Lowes
8-Oct-2023 10:00
The 5 Marks of Mission - Teach The Good News
We continue our 5 Marks of Mission Sermon Series. Pauls brings us our second installment: Teaching The Good News. Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Matthew 28: 19-20
Paul Tavener
24-Sep-2023 10:00
The 5 Marks of Mission - Tell the Good News
Rev. Carolyn Lucas continues our series on The 5 Marks of Mission, and how we are called to go and Tell others the Good News of Jesus. Isaiah 61:1-3; Mark 1:1-8
Rev. Carolyn Lucas
17-Sep-2023 10:00
5 Marks of Mission - Tell
The 5 Marks of Mission - Intro
Rev. Nicholas Lebey introduces our next series of Sermons - The 5 Marks of Mission. Tune in as he delves into what this series has in store for us. 1 John 4:7-17
Rev. Nicholas Lebey
10-Sep-2023 10:00
Marks of Mission
Bishop Martin Gainsborough visits us today, bringing with him a sermon based on conflict; what the bible teaches us about it, and how we are called to respond. Genesis 28: 10-19; Matthew 13: 24-30, 36
Bishop Martin Gainsborough
23-Jul-2023 10:00
Parable of the Sower
Ken Lowes brings us a teaching on The Parable of the Sower. Genesis 25:19-end; Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23
Ken Lowes
16-Jul-2023 10:00
QJ Tavener and Rev. Nicholas Lebey discuss the importance of Safeguarding within the church. Psalm 91: 1-16; Matthew 11:16-19, 25-end
QJ Tavener / Nicholas Lebey
9-Jul-2023 10:00
Welcoming Jesus
Rachel talks to us about welcoming Jesus into our lives and homes. Matthew 10:40-42
Rachel Whitelaw
2-Jul-2023 10:00
Welcoming Jesus
Dare to be Disciples
Rev. Carolyn Lucas brings us a sermon based on John 10:24-39, looking into some of the challenges faced by those who are disciples of Jesus
Carolyn Lucas
25-Jun-2023 10:00
John 10:24-39
Rev. Nicholas Lebey brings us an in-depth look into Stewardship: How we can use our God-given gifts to further God's Kingdom here on Earth. Matthew 25:14-29
Nicholas Lebey
18-Jun-2023 10:00
Love and Fruit
Paul brings us an in-depth look into John 15:12-17, looking at how we can demonstrate God's Love to others; being Fruit to those around us
Paul Tavener
11-Jun-2023 10:00
John 15: 12-17
Jesus' Great Prayer
Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement where we are called to pray for those around us between Ascension and Pentecost. Listen in as Daniel delves into Jesus' Great Prayer. John 17
Daniel Raybould
21-May-2023 10:00
John 17, Thy Kingdom Come
Time for Change
Tune in Rev Carolyn Lucas discusses Change, and how Jesus teaches us to embrace and grow with it. John 14:15-21
Carolyn Lucas
How can we know Jesus?
Listen into our All Age Sermon as Rob dives into how we can come to Know Jesus more and more. John 14:1-13
Rob Lelltiot
7-May-2023 10:00
The Way, Truth, and The Life
Road to Emmaus
Tune in to Rachel bringing us a sermon exploring the journey Jesus took along the Road to Emmaus. Psalms 66:8-10,12; Luke 24:13-35. The song mentioned at the end is: Reckless Love - Bethel
Rachel Whitelaw
23-Apr-2023 10:00
Easter - Jesus is Alive
Alleluia! Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! Listen to Rev. Carolyn Lucas brings us a sermon on the Resurrection of Jesus and its significance to our faith - Matthew 28:1-10; Acts 10: 34-43
Carolyn Lucas
9-Apr-2023 10:00
Jesus is Alive
Encountering Jesus
Our guest speaker, Dr Jasper Rutherford, visits us from Northern Ireland to talk to us about Encountering Jesus - Genesis 16:1-13; John 4:1-14
Dr Jasper Rutherford
Encountering Jesus
Simplicity and Service
Tune in to Rev. Helen Hancock as she brings us the next installment in our Celebration of Discipline Lent Course - Simplicity and Service.
Amos 5: 11-15; Luke 10:29-37
Helen Hancock
12-Mar-2023 10:00
Lent - Celebration of Discipline
Inward Disciples - Meditation
Listen to Rev. Nicoholas Lebey bring us a sermon on Meditation, as part of our Celebration of Discipline Lent Course
Rev. Nicholas Lebey
5-Mar-2023 10:00
Meditation and Study
From Worry to Trust
Tune in to Daniel Raybould deliver a sermon on how we can build our trust in God. Romans 8:8-25; Matthew 6:25-34
Daniel Raybould
12-Feb-2023 10:00
Trusting in God
David and Abigail
Listen to Carolyn Lucas as she brings us a sermon about David and Abigail, and how anger affects everyone of us from 1 Samuel 25
Carolyn Lucas
9-Feb-2020 10:00
King David
Storms of Life - Acts 27+28
Listen to Rev. Michael Johns-Perring talk to us about the Storms of Life based on Acts 27 and 28 - Johns Shipwreck in Malta
Michael Johns-Perring
19-Jan-2020 10:00
Listen to Becky as she speaks to us on 1 Samuel 16: Leadership
Becky Whiting
22-Sep-2019 10:00
The Good Samaritan
Listen to Helen talk to us about The Good Samaritan
Helen Hancock
14-Jul-2019 10:00
The Good Samaritan
And Obey Him Alone
Listen to Carolyn Lucas take to us about Obedience to God
Carolyn Lucas
23-Jun-2019 10:00
Return of the Ark
Listen to Rachel as she talks to us about the Return of the Ark
Rachel Whitelaw
16-Jun-2019 10:00
John the Baptist Prepares the Way
Listen to Daniel as he talks about John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus
Daniel Raybould
The Jesus Manifesto
Tune in to our guest speaker Heather Lodge, lay-reader at Tolworth UR, as she talks to us about The Jesus Manifesto
Heather Lodge
20-Jan-2019 10:00
Jesus, Justice
Advent - Mary
Listen to Carolyn Lucas as she talks to us about Mary in our Season of Advent
Carolyn Lucas
9-Dec-2018 10:00
Fruits of the Spirit - Gentleness and Self-Control
Listen to the final installment of our Fruits of the Spirit series - Gentleness and Self-Control
Ann Davidson
25-Nov-2018 10:00
Fruits of the Spirit
The Person of the Holy Spirit
The first installment of our Holy Spirit series - The Person of the Holy Spirit
Carolyn Lucas
12-Aug-2018 10:00
Holy Spirit
The Habits of a Servant Leader
The fourth installment into our Servant Leadership series - The Habits of a Servant Leader
Becky Whiting
29-Jul-2018 10:00
Servant Leadership