Audio Recordings

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Sex and the Church
Chris goes back to basics looking at sex and marriage from Genesis onwards. Edited 15/2/25

Revd Chris Smith
Genesis 2:18-25

Fruit of the Spirit - Faithfulness
In what ways is God faithful? And in what ways can and should we follow suit?

Rev C J Smith
Exodus 20:1-6

Fruit of the Spirit - Peace
Pete looks at what God's peace might look like and how it can affect our lives today.

Revd Pete Sainsbury

The Fruits of the Spirit - Love
Chris begins a new series introducing the fruit of the Spirit and specifically he looks at love.

Revd Chris Smith
Galatians 5:13-26

Morning Worship
Sandra Wylie speaks on the Theme of Love

Sandra Wylie
28-Jul-2024 10:30
Ephesians 3: 14-21, John 6: 1-21

Who is Jesus?
Chris Smith looks at Jesus calming the storm. What does it tell us about him? And what does that mean for you and me?

Revd Chris Smith
Mark 4:35-41

Diff Voices Edit.mp3
David Runcorn and Vaughan Roberts in conversation about 'God Sex and Marriage as part of Different Voices an event held at St Mary's Church on June 20th. Both speakers were offered 15 minutes

David Runcorn and Vaughan Roberts
20-Jun-2024 19:30

Why might we speak of faith & what can we expect?
Chris looks at St Paul's second letter to the Corinthians and what speaking of our faith will entail.

Revd Chris Smith
2 Corinthians 4

Good Shepherds?
Chris Smith looks at what types of shepherds and sheep we might find on the hillsides of Marlborough

Revd Chris Smith
John 10:11-18

Difficult people, difficult situations?
Chris Smith outlines seven steps to dealing with difficult situations, inspired by the problems St Paul faced with the Corinthian Church.

Revd Chris Smith
1 Corinthians 15:12-34

Palm Sunday
How does Jesus approach Jerusalem and what can we learn from the triumphal entry?

Rev Chris Smith
Zechariah 9

Chris looks at the inspiring figure of John the Baptist. Who was he and what can we learn from him today?

Revd Chris Smith
17-Dec-2023 10:30

Chris looks at all things to do with angels as Christmas approcahes

Rev Chris Smith
Luke 1:26-28

Sermon series on the Psalms.mp3
Chris Smith extols how the Psalm shows us how to live and how to thrive.

Rev Chris Smith
2-Jul-2023 17:30
Psalm 19

Morning Worship.mp3
Stephen Skinner helps us understand John's vision of Christ in Revelation 1.

Rev Stephen Skinner
2-Jul-2023 10:30
Revelations 1: 9-20

5.30 service.mp3
John Dunnett helps us to seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit

Rev Cannon John Dunnett
25-Jun-2023 17:30
Ephesians 5: 1-18

Morning Worship.mp3
Sandra Wylie encourages us to share our faith with people we meet.

Sandra Wylie
25-Jun-2023 10:30
Jeremiah 1: 1-19, Matthew 10: 24-39

Morning Worship.mp3
Tom Price, our visiting speaker from OCCA, talks to is everything going to be OK?

Mr Tom Price
11-Jun-2023 10:30
Salisbury Weekend of Mission

5.30 Service.mp3
Mark Philps explores the nature of the Holy Spirit

Rev Mark Philps
28-May-2023 17:30
John 16: 12-15

Morning Worship.mp3
Sandra Wylie speaks about the celebration of Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Sandra Wylie
28-May-2023 10:30
Acts 2: 1-21

5.30 service.mp3
Chris Smith speaks on resisting temptation.

Rev Chris Smith
21-May-2023 17:30
1 Corinthians 9: 24 - 10: 13

Morning Worship.mp3
Mark Philps speaks about Jesus' ascension and explores the meaning of Heaven.

Rev Mark Philps
21-May-2023 10:30
John 17: 1-12

Deanery Eucharist for Ascension Day.mp3
Bishop Stephen emphasized that the God's message through the death and ascension of Christ was for the whole world and the role of the church was to make Jesus known.

Rt Revd Stephen Lake
18-May-2023 18:30
Acts 1: 1-11

Sermon series Resurrection People.mp3
Chris Smith talks about St Thomas and the role of doubt and questioning in building our faith.

Rev Chris Smith
14-May-2023 17:30
John 20: 24-end

Morning Worship.mp3
Chris Smith speaks about mission and how St Paul brought the good news about Jesus to Athens.

Rev Chris Smith
14-May-2023 10:30
Acts 17: 22-31

Morning Worship.mp3
Stephen Skinner reflects on the coronation of King Charles and the commitment to service.

Rev Stephen Skinner
7-May-2023 10:30
Luke 22: 24-30

Sermon series Resurrection People.mp3
Pete Sainsbury talks about Jesus lifting the spirits of the disciples on the road to Emmaus.

Rev Pete Sainsbury
30-Apr-2023 17:30
Luke 24: 13-35

Morning Worship .mp3
Mark Philps reflects on what it means to be Church

Rev Mark Philps
30-Apr-2023 10:30
Acts 2: 42-48

Sermon series Resurrection People.mp3
Chris Smith speaks of the critical truth of the empty tomb as John experienced as he saw and believed.

Rev Chris Smith
23-Apr-2023 17:30
John 20: 1-10

Morning Worship.mp3
Sandra Wylie speaks of the followers not recognizing Jess as they walked towards Emmaus and asks where we see and recognize Jesus.

Sandra Wylie
23-Apr-2023 10:30
Acts 2: 14a, 36-41. Luke 24: 13-35

Morning Worship.mp3
Mark Philps sets out our mission statement quoting what Jesus said to his disciples as the father sent me I am sending you.

Rev Mark Philps
16-Apr-2023 10:30
John 20: 19-end

Chris Smith speaks of the good news of Easter and the message from the angel do not be afraid I know you are looking for Jesus

Rev Chris Smith
9-Apr-2023 10:30
Matthew 28: 1-10

Sermon series on King David.mp3
Chris Smith concludes the series on King David with Psalm 19 with the emphasis that Creation points to the Creator God

Rev Chris Smith
2-Apr-2023 17:30
Psalm 19

Mothering Sunday.mp3
Chris Speaks about the naming of Moses and how God draws out his people to a better place.

Rev Chris Smith
19-Mar-2023 10:30
Exodus 2: 1-10

Sermon Series on King David.mp3
Chris Smith speaks about the story of David and Bathsheba and the relevance and reality of the Old Testament.

Rev Chris Smith
12-Mar-2023 17:30
2 Samuel 11

Morning Worship.mp3
Chris Smith speaks about how the power of the Holy Spirit makes the love of Jesus real in our lives.

Rev Chris Smith
12-Mar-2023 10:30
Romans 5: 1-11

Sermon Series on King David.mp3
Chris Smith talks about the example that David gives us that though he was resting his thoughts were on how he might serve God

Rev Chris Smith
5-Mar-2023 17:30
2 Samuel 7

Morning Worship.mp3
Stephen Skinner talks about the story of Nikodemus and being born again through the power of the Holy Spirit into a new family.

Re Stephen Skinner
5-Mar-2023 10:30
John 3: 1-17

Sermon series on King David.mp3
Pete Sainsbury speaks about the enthusiasm of David's worship as the Ark is brought into Jerusalem.

Rev Pete Sainsbury
26-Feb-2023 17:30
2 Samuel 6

Morning Worship.mp3
Pete Sainsbury talks on the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness

Rev Pete Sainsbury
26-Feb-2023 10:30
Luke 4: 1-13

Ash Wednesday.mp3
Chris Smith draws the connection between the bible passage on the woman caught in adultery and Ash wednesday

Rev Chris Smith
22-Feb-2023 10:30
John 8: 1-11

Sermon series on King David.mp3
Chris Smith talks about the anointing of David as king and the opportunities to step up.

Rev Chris Smith
19-Feb-2023 17:30
2 Samuel 5

Morning Worship.mp3
Mark Philps talks about the the presentation of Christ in the Temple and the role Jesus took on as a disruptor.

Rev Mark Philps
19-Feb-2023 10:30
Luke 2: 22-40

Morning Worship.mp3
Chris Smith talks on the importance of Christians being salt and light in the world.

Rev Chris Smith
5-Feb-2023 10:30
Matthew 5: 13-16

Series on King David.mp3
Chris Smith outlines what we can learn from the very well known story of David and Goliath.

Rev Chris Smith
29-Jan-2023 17:30
1 Samuel 17: 20-51

Sermon series on King David.mp3
Pete Sainsbury talks on the anointing of David by Samuel and the importance of appearance in God's eyes.

Rev Pete Sainsbury
15-Jan-2023 17:30
1 Samuel 16: 1-13

last in Where is God series.mp3
Chris Smith reflects on the words of The Communion which can be overfamiliar to some and incomprehensible to others.

Rev Chris Smith
11-Dec-2022 17:30
1 Corinthians 11: 17-34

Christingle service.mp3
Chris Smith looks forward to Christmas and reflects on the importance behind the meanings of names.

Rev Chris Smith
11-Dec-2022 10:30
Luke 1: 26-35, 38

Advent Sunday.mp3
Mark Philps sets out the theme of Advent, the coming of the Lord.

Rev Mark Philps
7-Dec-2022 10:25
Isaiah 52: 1-12

Series Where is God.mp3
Pete Sainsbury talks about the spiritual gifts within the church, the body of Christ

Rev Pete Sainsbury
27-Nov-2022 17:30
1 Corinthians 12: 12-31

Series Where is God.mp3
From the reading of the Great Commission, Chris Smith encourages us to look for opportunities for mission

Rev Chris Smith
20-Nov-2022 17:30
Matthew 28: 16 to end

Morning Worship.mp3
Pete Sainsbury speaks of the Jesus' promise to the robber that he would join Him in Paradise.

Rev Pete Sainsbury
20-Nov-2022 10:30
Luke 23: 33-43

Series Where is God?.mp3
Louise Seddon continues the series on the Presence of God and addresses the imperative of social action and justice. Challenging us whether our faith is making a difference of a changed heart and life

Louise Seddon
13-Nov-2022 17:30
Matthew 25: 31-46

Remembrance Sunday.mp3
Chris Smith speaks on the challenge of remembering things that we do not wish to remember.

Rev Chris Smith
13-Nov-2022 11:30

Morning Worship.mp3
Helen Stokes explains the thought behind Christmas Links and how people can contribute

Rev Pete Sainsbury
6-Nov-2022 10:30
Helen Stokes introduces Christmas Links

Morning Worship.mp3
Chris Smith highlights what we can learn from Zacchaeus. He was curious, he accepted God's Grace and he was transformed.

Rev Chris Smith
30-Oct-2022 10:30
Luke 19: 1-10

Series Where is God?.mp3
John Dunnett continues the series on the Presence of God with subject Unity. He summarizes the talk as unity is a gift from God, we are to live it out and it will help grant God's presence.

Rev John Dunnett
23-Oct-2022 17:30
Psalm 133 and Ephesians 4: 1-16

Morning Worship.mp3
Mark Philps reflects on the start of Jesus' ministry when Jesus announces that Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing

Rev Mark Philps
23-Oct-2022 10:30
Luke 4: 16-24 Jesus reads from Isaiah

Morning worship.mp3
Pete Sainsbury talks on the importance of fellowship within the body of the church

Rev Pete Sainsbury
16-Oct-2022 10:30
John 13: 34-35

Series Where is God.mp3
Chris Smith questions how our eyes might radiate the love of God

Rev Chris Smith
9-Oct-2022 17:30
Ephesians 3: 14-21

Harvest Festival.mp3
Chris Smith highlights the various aspects of HARVEST

Rev Chris Smith
9-Oct-2022 10:30
Luke 17: 11-19

Series Where is God.mp3
Chris Smith asks whether we are right with God?

Rev Chris Smith
2-Oct-2022 17:30
Psalm 24

Series Where is God.mp3
Chris Smith outlines what the bible tells us about how we might be in the presence of God

Rev Chris Smith
2-Oct-2022 10:30
1 Samuel 10: 5-11, Acts 1: 12-14

Morning Worship.mp3
Mark Philps explains how we might hold fast to the teachings of Jesus.

Rev Mark Philps
25-Sep-2022 10:30
John 8: 31-59

Sunday on the eve of HM the Queen's
Chris smith talks about grieving and preparing for a funeral

Rev Chris Smith
18-Sep-2022 10:30
1 Timothy 2: 1-7

Morning Worship with tribute to her Majesty .mp3
Service with a focus on the life and service of HM Queen Elizabeth with a tribute from Danny Kruger MP and talk on the strength of the Queen's Christian faith.

Rev Chris Smith and Danny Kruger MP
11-Sep-2022 10:30
2 Corinthians 4: 16 and John 6: 35

Sermon at today's services.mp3
Chris Smith talks about the presence of God in His church and invites suggestions for a sermon series.

Rev Chris Smith
4-Sep-2022 17:30
1 Samuel 4: 14-22 and Acts 2: 42-47

Summer Nights.Redemption.mp3
Rachel Maurice speaks on the Prodigal Son and Nichola Allen on her life with cancer.

Rachel Maurice and Nichola Allen
21-Aug-2022 17:30
Luke 15: 11-32

Summer Nights. The Fall. mp3
John Dunnett speaks of temptation and the Fall

Rev John Dunnett
14-Aug-2022 17:30
Genesis 3

Summer Nights - Creation.mp3
Emily Best speaks on Jesus as the saviour of both Mankind and Creation.

Emily Best
7-Aug-2022 17:30
Genesis 1. Colossians 1: 15

Morning Worship.mp3
Jeremy Creswell speaks on hope and the Lambeth Conference

Rev Jeremy Creswell
7-Aug-2022 10:30
Luke 12: 32-40

Summer Nights - revelation.mp3
Tim Gauntlet speaks of God's revelation of himself through Creation and the person of Jesus.

Tim Gauntlet
31-Jul-2022 17:30
Genesis 1. Psalm 19. Colossians 1: 15

Morning Worship.mp3
Mark Philps explores what it means to be rich towards God

Rev Mark Philps
31-Jul-2022 10:30
Luke 12: 13-21

Morning Worship.mp3
Chris Smith speaks on the passage in which the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray.

Rev Chris Smith
24-Jul-2022 10:30
Luke 11: 1-13

Morning Worship.mp3
Pete Sainsbury talks to the passage about Jesus at the home of Martha and her sister Mary

Rev Pete Sainsbury
17-Jul-2022 10:30
Luke 10: 38 - end

Talking Jesus.mp3
Lisa Peart talks, as our CMS mission partner with her husband Andrew, of their work in Bolivia

Lisa Peart
10-Jul-2022 17:30
John 1: 1-14

Parables of Growth.mp3
Pete Sainsbury talks about being refined

Rev Pete Sainsbury
3-Jul-2022 17:30
James 1: 1-5

Morning Worship.mp3
Mark Philps speaks on freedom

Rev Mark Philps
3-Jul-2022 10:30
Galatians 5 & 6

Parables of growth.mp3
Parable of the sower and the soil.

Rt Revd Andrew Rumsey
26-Jun-2022 17:30
Matthey 13: 1-9 and 18-23

Morning Worship.mp3
The cost of following Jesus

Rev Chris Smith
26-Jun-2022 10:30
Luke 9: 51 to end

Parables of Growth.mp3
The parable of the workers in the vineyard

Rev Chris Smith
19-Jun-2022 17:30
Matthew 20: 1-16

Morning Worship.mp3
Jesus cures the demon possessed man

Rev Chris Smith
19-Jun-2022 10:30
Luke 8: 26-39

Parables of Growth.mp3
The parable of the lost son

Rev Pete Sainsbury
12-Jun-2022 17:30
Luke 15: 11-31

Morning Worship.mp3
The majesty of God

Rev Chris Smith
12-Jun-2022 10:30
Psalm 8

Morning Worship.mp3
Dealing with differences

Rev Chris Smith
29-May-2022 10:30
John 17: 20-26

Parables of Growth.mp3
Dealing with sin

Rev Pete Sainsbury
22-May-2022 17:30
Matthew 18: 6-19

Parables of Growth series .mp3
Pete Sainsbury introduces the new series of talks with the Parable of the Sower.

Rev Pete Sainsbury
1-May-2022 17:30
Mark 4: 1-20

Morning Worship.mp3
Pete Sainsbury talks about Jesus appearing on the beach, the miraculous catch of fish and how Jesus reinstates Peter.

Rev Pete Sainsbury
1-May-2022 10:30
John 21: 1-19

Morning Worship Easter Day.mp3
Mark Philps poses some questions about the empty tomb

Rev Mark Philps
17-Apr-2022 10:25
Luke 24: 1- 12 Jesus is risen

Galatian series.mp3
Pete Sainsbury beings the series to an end with the key elements of Christian community: Being good and doing good.

Rev Pete Sainsbury
3-Apr-2022 17:30
Galatians 6: 1-10

Morning Worship.mp3
Chris Smith talks about God loving lavish giving

Rev Chris Smith
3-Apr-2022 10:30
John 12: 1-8 Mary Anoints Jesus

Galatians series.mp3
Chris Smith continues the series on Galatians and speaks about the acts of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit.

Rev Chris Smith
27-Mar-2022 17:30
Galatians 5: 19-23

Galatians series.mp3
Chris Smith continues the series on Galatians by asking how we can use our freedom appropriately?

Rev Chris Smith
20-Mar-2022 17:30
Galatians 5 13-18 and 24-26

Morning Worship.mp3
Mark Philps starts by suggesting that God is looking for fruitfulness and then goes on to ask three questions: Why is life so difficult? who am I? what time is it?

Rev Mark Philps
20-Mar-2022 10:30
I Corinthians 10 1-13. Luke 13 1-9

Galatians series.mp3
Chris continues the series on Galatians and talks about the danger of adding procedural requirements to accepting the good news of the Gospel.

Rev Chris Smith
13-Mar-2022 16:30
Galatians 5: 1-12

Morning Worship.mp3
Chris Smith uses the illustration of King David to help us understand the Christian response to troubles.

Rev Chris Smith
13-Mar-2022 10:30
Psalm 27

Series on Galatians.mp3
Pete Sainsbury kicks off the sermon series on Galatians with Grace and Peace through Faith

Rev Pete Sainsbury
6-Mar-2022 17:30
Galatians 13: 1-12

Morning Worship.mp3
Jeremy Creswell speaks about the need to pray for God's Grace upon those involved in the conflict in the Ukraine and refers to -another story must begin - the Lent course based on Les Misrables

Rev Jeremy Creswell
6-Mar-2022 10:30
Luke 4: 1-13

Ash Wednesday.mp3
Chris Smith outlines a Christian response to the situation in the Ukraine.

Rev Chris Smith
2-Mar-2022 11:00
Matthew 5: 38-48

Chris Smith warns of the consequences of courting Wisdom's unruly sister Folly.

Rev Chris Smith
27-Feb-2022 17:30
Proverbs 9

Morning Worship.mp3
Sarah Musgrave illustrates that through the transfiguration of Jesus, God understands and responds to our fears and uncertainties

Sarah Musgrave
27-Feb-2022 10:30
Luke 9: 28-36

Morning Worship.mp3
Chris Smith speaks on the damage that gossip can cause and advocates THINK. is it True? Helpful? Important? Necessary? and Kind? The tongue is made: to Praise, Pray, Bless, Encourage, Truth and Thanks

Rev Chris Smith
20-Feb-2022 10:30
James 1:26 and James 3: 1-8

Chris Smith introduces us to a friend in the person of the woman, Wisdom.

Rev Chris Smith
13-Feb-2022 17:30
Proverbs 1: 1-7 and Proverbs 8: 1-11

All Age worship.mp3
Chris Smith helps us to rise to the challenge of the Sermon on the Plain and who Jesus is not.

Rev Chris Smith
13-Feb-2022 10:25
Luke 5:1-11

Chris Smith takes us through the steps of Mercy and Forgiveness to the unmerited favour of Grace

Rev Chris Smith
6-Feb-2022 17:25
1 Corinthians 15: 1-11

Sunday worship.mp3
Pete Smith describes the power of the call to the first disciples

Rev Pete Sainsbury
6-Feb-2022 10:30
Luke 5: 1-11

Heavenly Virtues 3.mp3
Pete Sainsbury completes the series with the greatest gift, Love

Rev Pete Sainsbury
30-Jan-2022 17:30
Corinthians 13

Sunday Worship.mp3
Chris Smith speaks about Simeon and Anna

Rev Chris Smith
30-Jan-2022 10:30
Luke 2: 22-40 Presentation of Christ at the Temple

Heavenly Virtues 2.mp3
Chris Smith continues the series with Faith

Rev Chris Smith
23-Jan-2022 17:30
Hebrews 11: 1-6

Heavenly Virtues 1.mp3
Chris Smith begins with hope a gift from God

Rev Chris Smith
16-Jan-2022 17:30
Romans 5

Talk for Epiphany.mp3
Chris Smith highlights what we can learn from the Wise Men

Rev Chris Smith
9-Jan-2022 17:30
Matthew 2: 1-12, Epiphany

Morning Worship 02-01-22.mp3
Jeremy Cresswell looks foreword to 2022 and the need to discern the reality of Jesus, the word, in the myriad of images to which we are exposed.

Rev Jeremy Cresswell
2-Jan-2022 10:30
John 1: 10-18

Christmas Day.mp3
Chris Smith talks about the Shepherds transformation from fear to joy

Rev Chris Smith
25-Dec-2021 10:30
Luke 2: 8-20

Talk at Carol Service 19-12-21.mp3
Chris Smith talks about the response of the Shepherds

Rev Chris Smith
19-Dec-2021 17:00
Luke 2: 8-16

Sunday Worship 19-12-21.mp3
Chris Smith highlights the inspiration gained from the time that Elizabeth and Mary spent together.

Rev Chris Smith
19-Dec-2021 10:30
Luke 1: 39-55

Carol Service.mp3
Chris Smith talks of the birth of Jesus being in the right time, in the right place and in the right way.

Rev Chris Smith
15-Dec-2021 11:00
The birth of Jesus

Christingle Service.mp3
Chris Smith talks of Advent, the birth of John the Baptist and looking forward and waiting

Rev Chris Smith
12-Dec-2021 10:30
Luke 3: 7-18

Sunday Worship.mp3
Mark Philps talks of Advent being a time to humble ourselves before God

Rev Mark Philps
5-Dec-2021 10:30
Luke 3: 1-6

Foundations of the Church 6.mp3
Chris Smith describes how Peter and the Apostles responded to opposition.

Rev Chris Smith
28-Nov-2021 17:30
The church faces persecution

Foundations of the Church 5.mp3
Pete Sainsbury talks about the fear of the judgement of God in the account of Ananias and Sapphire and proceeds from the sale of a field.

Rev Pete Sainsbury
Acts 5: 1-11

Morning Worship 21-11-21.mp3
Chris Smith highlights that nothing we can think of the word King can come close to Christ the King

Rev Chris Smith
21-Nov-2021 10:30
Christ the King

Foundations of the Church 4.mp3
Chris Smith continues the sermon series with A church that shares

Rev Chris Smith
14-Nov-2021 17:30
Acts 4: 32-37.

Remembrance Sunday.mp3
Chris Smith commemorates the sacrifice of those who gave their lives for the greater good.

Rev Chris Smith
14-Nov-2021 11:00
Hebrews 10: 11-25

Foundations of the church 3.mp3
Pete Sainsbury continues the series with a church that prays and speaks of the power of prayer.

Rev Pete Sainsbury
7-Nov-2021 17:30
Acts 4: 23-31

Making all things new.mp3
Mark Philps talks about developing the virtue of hope in respect of the promise in Revelation of a new world, the wedding of God's people with Christ and indwelling of Gods presence.

Rev Mark Philps
31-Oct-2021 10:30
Revelation 21: 1-6a

Foundations for the Church 2.mp3
A church that preaches; referring to St Peter's sermon on Pentecost Mark Philps talks about the key elements of an effective sermon.

Rev Mark Philps
24-Oct-2021 17:30
Acts 2: 13-end

Bringing sight to Bartimaeus.mp3
Jesus asks blind Bartimaeus, What do you want me to do? Chris Smith talks about how we should not be ashamed to ask Jesus for our needs.

Rev Chris Smith
24-Oct-2021 10:30
Mark 10: 46-52

Foundations for the Church 1
Chris Smith begins a new series looking at what our church should be built on. This week 'A Church Born of the Holy Spirit' from Acts 2:1-13

Rev C J Smith
17-Oct-2021 17:30
The Church and the Holy Spirit

The Requests of James and John
When is enough enough? How does ambition become pushiness? And what role service? Chris Smith looks at these questions while speaking from Mark 10:35-35

Rev Chris Smith
17-Oct-2021 10:30

The Rich Young Man.mp3
What hope is there for rich people? What is the most important thing in our life? Chris explores these and other questions while looking at Mark 10:17-31.

Rev Chris Smith
10-Oct-2021 17:30

Talk at 5.30 service 03-10-21.mp3
Chris Smith talks to our being a Grateful People within the Vision of Heaven.

Rev Chris Smith
3-Oct-2021 17:30
Revelation 4

Morning Service 26-09-21.mp3
Mark Philps sets out the scriptural basis for personal giving in the context of both the Diocesan Generous Giving campaign and the upcoming opportunity to give a Thank Offering.

Rev Mark Philps
26-Sep-2021 10:30
Malachi 3: 10-12, Luke 16: 10-13

5.30 service 12-09-21.mp3
Chris Smith talks about Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus and the transforming power in the gift of God's grace.

Rev Chris Smith
12-Sep-2021 17:30
Luke 19: 1-10

Morning Worship 12-09-21.mp3
Sarah Musgrave tells in the stories of the Syrophoenician woman and the deaf and mute man how Jesus recognises and cares for the needs of all people

Sarah Musgrave
12-Sep-2021 10:30
Mark 7: 24-36

Sunday Worship 05-09-21.mp3
Chris Smith speaks about the power of prayer

Rev Chris Smith
5-Sep-2021 10:30
Ephesians 6: 10-20

Sunday Worship 29-08-21.mp3
Chris Smith talks about how God looks to our inner selves and not at our outward appearance.

Rev Chris Smith
29-Aug-2021 10:30
Mark 7: 1-8, 14, 15, 21-23

5.30 service 22-08-21.mp3
Chris Smith talks to Jesus telling the disciples that He is the vine and they are the branches.

Rev Chris Smith
22-Aug-2021 17:30
John 15: 5-17

Morning Worship 22-08-21.mp3
Jeremy Cresswell talks of struggle, the need to put on the Armour of God and the disciples response: to who shall we go You have the words of eternal life.

Rev Jeremy Cresswell
22-Aug-2021 10:30
Ephesians 6: 10-20 & John 6: 56-69

Reading and talk at 8am service 08-08-21.mp3
Mark Philps talks of the process of growing in the knowledge of Christ.

Rev Mark Philps
8-Aug-2021 08:00
John 6: 35, 41-51

Talk at Morning Worship 01-08-21.mp3
Sound is poor initially but Chris Smith encourages us to Follow St Paul's advice to be humble, gentle, patient and bearing with each other.

Rev Chris Smith
1-Aug-2021 10:30
Ephesians 4: 1-16

Morning worship 20-07-21.mp3
Chris Smith talks of Jesus' heart for the harassed. He reminds us of God's infinite resources in the feeding of the 5,000 and the healing balm of His word.

Rev Chris Smith
18-Jul-2021 10:30
Mark 6: 30-44

Morning Worship 11-07-21.mp3
Chris Smith emphasizes the simplicity of Jesus' instructions to his disciples.

Rev Chris Smith
11-Jul-2021 10:30
Mark 6: 6b-11

Talk at morning service 27-06-21.mp3
Chris Smith looks at the third element of Jesus' directive: to preach, to drive out daemons and to heal the sick. The healing ministry of the church.

Rev Chris Smith
27-Jun-2021 10:30
Mark 5: 21-end

Readings and talk at zoom service 20-06-21.mp3
Chris Smith shows how Jesus accepts the human frailties of the disciples and how we should look to Jesus in the storms of life.

Rev Chris Smith
20-Jun-2021 09:00
Mark ; 35-41 Jesus calms the storm

Readings and talk at zoom service 13-06-21.mp3
Mark Philps talks of the challenging passages of St Paul and how Paul explains that all mankind are represented by Jesus in his death.

Rev Mark Philps
13-Jun-2021 09:00
2 Corinthians 5: 6-17

Readings and talk at zoom service 06-06-21.mp3
David Maurice talks of God entrusting the great treasure of the Gospel to clay jars, being fallible human beings.

Rev Dr David Maurice
6-Jun-2021 09:00
2 Corinthians 4: 13-5:1

Readings and talk at zoom service 30-05-21.mp3
Mark Philps talks about how the Holy Spirit enables the experience of God as the Trinity and that Christian life begins with the spark of the Spirit.

Rev Mark Philps
30-May-2021 09:00
Trinity Sunday: John 3: 1-17

Readings and talk at zoom service 23-05-21.mp3
Sarah Musgrave speaks about Pentecost and the coming of the Spirit on the Disciples.

Sarah Musgrave
23-May-2021 09:00
Pentecost: Acts 2: 1-21

Talk on Ascension Day.mp3
Bishop Andrew admits how difficult it is to envisage the ascension of Christ and focusses on the implications of the transition.

Bishop Andrew Rumsey
19-May-2021 19:30
Acts 1: 1-11

Talk at morning service 16-05-21.mp3
Chris Smith reflects on the obedience of the disciples as they waited for Pentecost and their unity, how they asked God in prayer and sorted out the team in God's ways that may not be our ways

Rev Chris Smith
16-May-2021 10:30
Acts 1: 12-17

Readings and talk at zoom service 09-05-21.mp3
Jeremy Cresswell speaks about Joy and how God comes towards us in Jesus, in love, and our response is Joy.

Rev Jeremy Cresswell
9-May-2021 09:00
John 15: 11-17

Talk at morning service 02-05-21.Mp3
Chris Smith speaks about how Philip was led by the Spirit to explain the Gospel to the Ethiopian Eunuch an example of Spirit led Mission.

Rev Chris Smith
2-May-2021 10:30
Acts 8: 26-40

Readings and talk at zoom service 02-05-21.mp3
David Maurice speaks about Jesus being the true vine and the reading in Acts where Phillip explains the Gospel to the Ethiopian official.

Rev Dr David Maurice
2-May-2021 09:00
Acts 8: 26-40. John 15: 1-8

Readings and talk at zoom service 25-04-21.mp3
Mark Philps talks to Jesus saying that he is the good shepherd, that his sheep know his voice and that he will lay down his life for them.

Rev Mark Philps
25-Apr-2021 09:00
Ezekiel 34: 11-24, John 10: 11-16

Readings and talk at zoom service 18-04-21 .mp3
Pete Sainsbury talks about Jesus' lakeside breakfast with the disciples and how he restores his relationship with Peter

Rev Pete Sainsbury
18-Apr-2021 09:00
John 21: 1-19

Readings and talk at zoom service 11-04-21.mp3
David Maurice speaks about Jesus coming to the disciples who were still behind locked doors and poses the same challenges as they had to us to take the gospel into the world.

Rev Dr David Maurice
11-Apr-2021 09:00
John 19: 19-end

readings and talk at zoom service Easter Day.mp3
David Maurice speaks about the Good News, the Gospel of Christ Jesus.

Rev Dr David Maurice
4-Apr-2021 09:00
Revelation 3: 7-10 and Mark 16: 1-8

Talk at Maundy Thursday service
Chris Smith talks about the importance and the power of prayer

Rev Chris Smith
1-Apr-2021 19:30
Garden of Gethsemane

Readings and talk at 5:30 on 28-03-21.mp3
Chris Smith talks about knowing Jesus

Rev Chris Smith
28-Mar-2021 17:30
John 14: 5-14 Jesus the way to the Father

readings and talk at zoom service 28-03-21 henry p
Henry Pearson talks about Jesus' unrehearsed entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday

Rev Henry Pearson
28-Mar-2021 09:00
Mark 11: 1-11 Palm Sunday

Finding God in Art audio only
Lent talk from the series Finding God in the Arts. The images will be available to download from the Love Marlborough page.

Dr Beverley Lyle & Revd Stephen Skinner
17-Mar-2021 19:30

Abiding in Christ
Chris begins the Season of Prayer with a talk about remaining in Christ from John 15. How do we abide and why is it necessary?

Rev C J Smith
14-Mar-2021 17:30

Mothering Sunday Message
Chris speaks from John 19:25-30 highlighting Mary's perseverance as a mother, and Jesus care and love for Mary

Rev C J Smith
14-Mar-2021 10:30

Finding God in Music by Rev Pete Sainsbury.mp3
Continuing our Lent course Pete Sainsbury introduces the idea that God can be found in music.

Rev Pete Sainsbury
10-Mar-2021 19:30

The Foolishness of the Cross
Chris speaks from 1 Cor 1 about the problems of spiritual pride and the cure of the cross.

Rev C J Smith
7-Mar-2021 10:30

readings and talk at zoom service 07-03-21.mp3
David Maurice talks about Jesus turning over the money lender's tables and the Ten Commandments; taking the opportunity during Lent to reflect on purity and holiness.

Rev Dr David Maurice
7-Mar-2021 09:00
Exodus 20: 1-17, John 2: 13-22

Genesis 3 The Fall of Man
Rev Chris Smith continues the Origins series and introduces the idea of sin.

Rev C J Smith

Readings and talk at zoom service 28-02-21.mp3
Rev Pete Sainsbury explains that whilst the disciples recognised Jesus as the Messiah he was not the strong and powerful saviour they expected

Rev Pete Sainsbury
28-Feb-2021 09:00
Romans 4: 13-25, Mark 8: 31-38

Readings and talk at zoom service 21-02-21.mp3
Rev Mark Philps introduces Lent with a talk on knowing who we are and our place in the spiritual battle for Truth, Humility and Justice.

Rev Mark Philps
21-Feb-2021 09:00
1 Peter 3:18-end Mark 1.9-15

Ash Wednesday service.mp3
Rev Chris Smith talks about fasting as a way of preparing for Easter

Rev Chris Smith
17-Feb-2021 10:30

Genesis 2 - Work and Rest
Chris Smith continues the Origins series looking at the power of rest. We apologise for the poor quality of this track in a few places.

Rev C J Smith
15-Feb-2021 17:30

Readings and talk at zoom service 14-02-21.mp3
Rev Pete Sainsbury explains how the disciples saw Jesus with the veil removed and heard the voice of God saying this is my Son listen to him

Rev Pete Sainsbury
14-Feb-2021 09:00
Mark 1: 9-15 The Transfiguration

Readings and talk at zoom service 07-02-21.mp3
Rev Chris Smith speaks about Jesus being at the beginning of Creation and that it was made through him. Chris finishes with an excerpt from a sermon by Pastor Lockridge.

Rev Chris Smith
7-Feb-2021 09:00
Colossians 1:15-20 Supremacy of the Son of God

Genesis 2 - God Made You Special!
Rev Chris Smith continues a series looking at humanity's creation based on Genesis Chapter 2.

Rev C J Smith
31-Jan-2021 17:30

readings and talk at zoom service 31-01-21.mp3
Pete Sainsbury explains how Simeon's prophesy is the fulfilment of God's promise to Israel to send the Messiah.

Rev Pete Sainsbury
31-Jan-2021 09:00
Luke 2: 22-40 Presentation of Christ at the Temple

readings and talk at zoom service 24-01-21.mp3
Chris talks about the Jesus first sign, changing water into wine and highlights the the transforming power of Jesus and his abundant provision for us.

Rev Chris Smith
24-Jan-2021 09:00
John 2: 1-11 Marriage at Cana

Origins - A new series for a new evening service
Chris Smith begins a new series on origins from Genesis chapter 1. The launch sermon for our new evening service in Marlborough. First given on January 17th 2021.

Rev C J Smith
17-Jan-2021 17:30

Readings and talk at Zoom service 17-01-21.mp3
Mark speaks about the profound effect on Nathaniel that Jesus' insight into him, had.

Rev Mark Philps
17-Jan-2021 09:00
Epiphany 3 John 1: 43-51

Talk on Heaven from January 17th at Minal
Chris Smith speaks about heaven based on the vision given to John in Revelation 5.

Rev C J Smith
17-Jan-2021 09:00

Reading and talk at zoom service 10-01-21.mp3
Pete highlights the importance of Baptism as a new beginning with Jesus being baptized in the Jordan with God's blessing on Him.

Rev Pete Sainsbury
10-Jan-2021 09:00
Mark 1: 4-11 Baptism of Christ

Reading and talk at zoom service 03-01-21.mp3
Mark links the star that led the Magi to Bethlehem with contemporary knowledge of astronomy of the planets at the time of the birth of Jesus

Rev Mark Philps
3-Jan-2021 09:00
Matthew 2: 1-12, Epiphany