St Pauls Chippenham

....the community's church

2019 A Benefice Journey

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Advent 4
Isaiah 7:10-16 & Romans 1:1-7.
Are you preparing your stories of witness, in the light of Jesus coming?


Advent 3 - Nativity Service
Isaiah 35: 1-10 & James 5: 7-10
Nativity Service - Saved for heaven? Or being saved now, for now?


Advent 2
Isaiah 11:1-10 & Romans 15: 4-13.
Creation living well together: utopian dream possibility?


Advent 1
Isaiah 2:1-5 & Romans 13:11-14.
Sword or ploughshare. Which is your tool of choice?


Challenge of a Lifetime Scandalous Hospitality....
Colossians 1:11-20 & Luke 23: 33-43.
Do others get surprised at your (& mine) acceptance of them & of offering hospitality to all?
If not, why not?


Challenge of a Lifetime Life at the End
2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 & Luke 21: 5-19.
How do we guard against false teaching?


Challenge of a Lifetime No Dispute Here!
2 Thess. 2:1-5, 13-16 & Luke 20: 27-38
Unfortunately due to an equipment fault, there is no audio available for this service. The readings are shown here for reference.


Challenge of a Lifetime - The-Outsiders
2 Thessalonians 1: 1-12 & Luke 19: 1-10
How do we show the love of God to those that society rejects?


Ruth - Love and hope fulfilled
Ruth 4:1-22 & Ephesians 1:3-10
Foreigner and vulnerable outsider is brought in and adopted into the royal family line Wow!
Is that not what God has done for us through Christ?


Ruth - Love and hope in action
Ruth 3:1-18 & Philippians 4:4-9
Unfortunately due to a power outage, the audio for this service is not available. Bible readings uploaded for reference.


Ruth - Love and hope rewarded
Ruth 2:1-23 & Matthew 23:37-39
Gods economy and our economy are not always identical?
Reflect and share with someone something of Gods provision for you.


Ruth - Love and hope challenged
Ruth 1:1-22, Romans 15:4-6 & Romans 15:13
How do you react (and act) when things don't look like, or seem to work out like, you planned?


Philippians 4:4-9 & John 6:25-35

Gratitude is an often-forgotten emotion.
How often to do you think about the blessings God has given
and how often do you give him the thanks he deserves?


Obadiah - Pride comes before a fall
Obadiah 1:1-4, 15-21 & 1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Why is pride such a big deal in Gods eyes?


Amos - How God sees us today
Amos 2:6-16 & Amos 5:4-15
To ponder: In Amos we see Gods righteous judgement expressed in poetry rather than legal arguments


Joel A wake-up call to the world
Joel 1:6-7, Joel 2:1-2, Joel 2:12-13, Joel 2:25-29 and 2 Peter 2:1-4
Do you see the righteousness of the Lord shining through?


Hosea The worlds greatest love story
Hosea 1:2-3, Hosea 3:1-4 & Luke 15:11-23
Is Jesus our 1st love?
What others do we have that tempt us to fall into adultery from our Lord?


Forgive one another
Colossians 3:12-17 & Matthew 18:21-35
Anyone hold a grudge?
Will you allow Holy Spirit to work on this with you?


Confess to and Pray for one another
James 5:7-20 & 1 John 1:1-10
What is the relationship between confession and physical healing?
Who do you confess to?
Do you have a prayer partner or spiritual director?


Encourage and build each other up
1 Thessalonians 5:11-23
Who are you passing your baton to?
What are you doing to encourage and build someone up in order that they are ready to take the baton?


Bear each others burdens
NB. Due to a technical issue, the sermon/talk is not available in this recording.
Galatians 6:1-10 & Ephesians 4:1-13
What burdens ... whose burdens ... what about our burdens ...?


Pentecost Power to Tell
Acts 4:1-21 & John 1:43-46


Pentecost Power to Love
You'll be known as my disciples if you love one another.

Acts 2:42-47 & Romans 12:1-2, 9-21


Pentecost - Power to Witness
What does witnessing to Christ look like for you?
Acts 1:1-8 & Matthew 5:13-16
NB. The sound file was unfortunately corrupted which means the sermon is not included in this weeks update


Pentecost - You shall receive power
Godly, biblical power, is not the same as human power and a sense of authority.

Acts 2:1-21 & Luke 24:44-53


The Life of Faith
Hebrews 11: 1-40 & Genesis 22:1-19


Christs sacrifice, once for all
Hebrews 10:1-18 & Jeremiah 31:31-34


Christ is greater than the angels
Hebrews 1:1-8, 2:5-9 & Psalm 45:1-9


Mothering Sunday
1 Samuel 1:20-28 & Luke 2:33-35

In Song of Songs, the Spirit can be seen as female. Do you consider God as having mothering features?


Come to me and learn from the past
Isaiah 55:1-9, 1 Cor.10:1-13 & Luke 13:1-9

Can you drink from the same spiritual rock as our faith ancestors (the creation-Christs rock)?
Can you live a life like David did?


God's Compassion
Genesis 15:1-12, Genesis 15:17-18, Philippians 3:17-4:1 and Luke 13:31-35

What promises has God made to you?
Are you still waiting, or have you seen them fulfilled?


Jesus is Lord
Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Romans 10:8b-13 & Luke 4:1-13

Jesus is Lord of what?
How much of who we are, or what we have, do we allow Jesus to be Lord over?

Big Church

Isolation and Sorrow
Psalm 88:1-18 & Mark 14: 32-42

How is God with you, in times of struggle, strife, darkness?
Ever feel like all is lost?
You are lost?
God is nowhere?


Enemies and Vengeance
Psalm 17:1-15 & Matthew 5: 43-48


Righteousness and Evil
Psalm 1:1-6 & Matthew 7: 15-20


Life in the Spirit
1 Corinthians 12:12-31 & Luke 4:14-21
