Finaghy Baptist Church

Glorifying God together as disciples making disciples

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A Place and a Purpose
God has put us in a specific place with a specific purpose.

Gary Ellison
Jeremiah 29:1-32

Chris and Sarah Keiller
Matthew 9:35-38

Give Your All for the Kingdom
We must give everything for the kingdom because of humanitys sin, the certainty of judgement and the promise of mercy.

Gary Ellison
Luke 16:1-15

Chris Keiller
15-May-2022 11:00
1 Peter 1:3-9

The Kingdom is Marked by Humility
The kingdom of God is marked by humility, therefore, in order to be part of the kingdom we must be a humble people.

Gary Ellison

Live as Model Citizens
As followers of Jesus, who were once far away from God and now beneficiaries of His rich grace, we must live as model citizens, as salt and light in our world.

Gary Ellison
1-May-2022 14:00
Titus 3:1-15

3. The Peace Proclaimers
As those who enjoy peace with God through Jesus Christ we now must be proclaimers of the gospel of peace to the world.

Gary Ellison
24-Apr-2022 11:00
Luke 24:36-53

2. Making Peace by the Blood of His Cross
The Lord Jesus came to bring peace between humanity and God, yet he was treated as a criminal and put to death as a terrorist. In a converse way, this brought about peace between humanity and God.

Gary Ellison
17-Apr-2022 11:00

1. Jesus the Peacemaker
In a world where power is self-serving, Jesus used His power to bring about peace between God and humanity. We must come to faith in Him and avoid empty religion.

Gary Ellison
10-Apr-2022 11:00
Luke 19:28-48

8. Jesus' Followers will be Persecuted...
...and Blessed. The reward for persevering through suffering and persecution is the promise of experiencing the kingdom of God in all its fullness.

Gary Ellison
3-Apr-2022 11:00
Matthew 5:1-12

David Morrison
Matthew 5:1-12

6. Jesus Followers' are Pure in Spirit
The gospel enables us to see God now by faith, but eventually by sight, and so we are called to respond by being pure in heart - having hearts that are captivated by Jesus.

Gary Ellison
Matthew 5:1-12