Receiving Confirmation Studies in 1 John

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05 Confirming Focus 1 John 2:15-17
John challenges us in these verses to consider where our focus is. We either love the world and the things of the world or we love God our Father.

Pastor Mark Bassett

04 Confirming Cammand 1 John 2:7-14
John writes of the command to love one another as evidence in the believers life of genuine faith in Christ. There are three defences the command puts in the Christians life which we look at in this m

Pastor Mark Bassett
Receiving Confirmation

03 Confirming Advocate 1 John 2:1-6
John draws our attention to Jesus Christ the Righteous who is the Christians advocate with the Father. We see how knowing the Advocate confirms our faith.

Pastor Mark Bassett

01 Confirming Joy 1John 1:1-4
Our studies in 1 John commenced in the opening verses. We saw how the presence of joy in the true Christian confirms they are those who see, handle and having a living relationship with Jesus Christ a

Pastor Mark Bassett
Receiving Confirmation Studies in 1 John

02 Confirming Light 1 John 1:5-10
John commences these words with an absolute statement that God is light. In these verses we see how God being light leaves us with no place to hide in our sin and no hiding place in us for sin. But th

Pastor Mark Bassett
Receiving Confirmation Studies in 1 John